Ali Sina Quotes

Text Quotes
There was a time when everyone thought that Earth was flat. Did this unanimous consensus make any difference to the shape of Earth? (Ali Sina Quotes)
Words can mean different things to different people. It is important to understand what people mean when they use a certain word. Let’s make an example. Take the word gay. Fifty years ago, gay meant exclusively cheerfulness, lighthearted excitement, merry or bright colors. Today this word has a different meaning. You won’t call a cheerful person gay because it could be understood as something else (Ali Sina Quotes)
The entire Quran is a big joke. If it was not so violent, it would be the biggest comic book ever written (Ali Sina Quotes)
Power corrupts. If the Church is given too much power, it will become corrupted. So to keep the Church in line with the teachings of Christ, we must make sure that it can never have temporal power. Religion has its place and politics has its own. These two should not be mixed together or the result would be catastrophic (Ali Sina Quotes)
There is no compulsion in Islam. You convert voluntarily. But you are free not to convert by accepting subjugation, humiliation, discrimination and constant harassment. What can be more democratic? (Ali Sina Quotes)
Muslims have different meanings for the same words that we use. They are so convinced of the truth of Islam that they do not perceive Jihad/terrorism, or dhimmitude as violence. (Ali Sina Quotes)
A society that is not founded on morality falls apart and becomes easy prey to puritan cults such as Islam that on the surface, promote family values and morality. (Ali Sina Quotes)
Islam takes advantage of two structural flaws that exist in the Western society. One is political correctness and other is the decline of morality. (Ali Sina Quotes)
Political correctness is an intellectual sickness. It means lying when telling the truth is not expedient. It is a disgusting habit and yet it is so widespread and so common that it is considered to be normal (Ali Sina Quotes)
Muslims want the western countries to apologize. Why? because this gives them a sense of empowerment. It makes them feel good about themselves, it stokes their ego (Ali Sina Quotes)
Our sexuality is affected by our fantasies. Some of these fantasies have their roots in our childhood. We have the power to control our thoughts but many people don’t do it because they get pleasure in their fantasies (Ali Sina Quotes)
If we want our civilization to survive, we have to watch for the extremes. We have to reclaim our morality, both individually and as the society. To protect ourselves from extremisms, we have to maintain moderation (Ali Sina Quotes)
Human rights are for those who can behave like humans. If you can’t act responsibly you relinquish that right (Ali Sina Quotes)