Alice Hoffman Quotes

Text Quotes
At midnight the wind in the tress can sound like the ocean. The moonlight can make a road appear as endless as the sea (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
He believed in dreams, in endings that people told you could never happen, in disappointments reversed and luck that lasted (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
Weapons are kept from women, but such a naming suggests that perhaps men fear our talents in war as well as our desire for peace (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
People want to ignore what they can’t understand. They’re looking for logic at any cost (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
She was so busy forgetting, she couldn’t take a single step into the future (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
The frightened walk away when love is difficult. I know that now. You have to be willing to give everything away. You have to be willing to end up with nothing. Only then will your heart be whole (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
I never even believed in happiness. I didn’t think it existed. Now look at me. I’m ready to believe in just about anything (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
He has the ability to catch someone by the way that he looks at her, and make her wish he would go on looking (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
The voice that arises out of the silence is something no one can imagine until it is heard. It roars when it speaks, it lies to you and convinces you, it steals from you and leaves you without a single word of comfort (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
Love ambushed you, it lay in wait, dormant for days or years. It was the red thread, the peach stone, the kiss, the forgiveness. It came after you, it escaped you, it was invisible, it was everything (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
Do what you want, do what you will, do what you have to, do what you think you cannot (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
If we had paid attention, we would have understood there are some things in this world you cannot outrun (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
Even as a small child, I understood that woman had secrets, and that some of these were only to be told to daughters. In this way we were bound together for eternity (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
I wept to think that life went on even when so much had been lost, that rain still fell and myrtle grew between the rocks (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
No one knows you like a person with whom you’ve shared a childhood. No one will ever understand you in quite the same way (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
Perhaps it is possible to discover more in silence than in speech. Or perhaps it is only that those who are silent among us learn to listen (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
She liked to disappear, even when she was in the same room as other people. It was a talent, as it was a curse (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
This was what it meant to be human, to know that time moved and all things changed (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
She was disappearing a little more each day, so thin, so frail, a wisp of smoke. One day she would surely vanish altogether, and there was no way to stop her (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
I wasn’t good company, that was true, and people avoided me, but that was all right. I was too busy dreaming (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
Some things, when they change, never do return to the way they once were. Butterflies for instance, and women who’ve been in love with the wrong man too often (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
I wrote to find beauty and purpose, to know that love is possible and lasting and real... Once I got to my desk, once I started writing, I still believed anything was possible (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
When I write for teens, I feel I can cut through everything and get to the bare bones. I can get straight into the emotional world of the character (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
That was the way illness appeared in a house, in the corners, in between floorboards, on the hooks in the closet, along with the sweaters and coats (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
It’s not finding what’s lost, it’s understanding what you’ve found (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
My mother’s blood that would last forever after. The blood of my brother, my grandfather, my father (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
I wonder how a lioness will manage in a dovecote. Can you put away your teeth and claws? (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
Among men and women, those in love do not always announce themselves with declarations and vows. But they are the ones who weep when you’re gone. Who miss you every single night, especially when the sky is so deep and beautiful, and the ground so very cold (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
There was the blue sky above her and all those many roses, the ones that gave off the scent of cloves in the rain and the ones that left a trace of lemon on your fingers, the ones that were the color of blood, and those that were as white as clouds. Each one was sweeter than the next and as red as gemstones (Alice Hoffman Quotes)
Jill told me that when you’re really in love, you know right away. I’m not exactly sure how this happens. Is it like a flash of lightning? Like an angel tapping you on the shoulder? Or is it similar to choosing a puppy? You think you’re picking the cutest one, but really you wind up going home with the one who keeps insisting on climbing into your lap (Alice Hoffman Quotes)