Align Quotes

Text Quotes
Align your personality with your purpose, and no one can touch you (Align Quotes)
Circumstances don’t always align themselves with human intention (Align Quotes)
Now I’m able to align my work and creative life with who I am (Align Quotes)
Above all else, align with customers. Win when they win. Win only when they win (Align Quotes)
If you align expectations with reality, you will never be disappointed (Align Quotes)
The question Americans should ask is not whether a candidate is affiliated with a particular faith but rather whether that candidate’s faith makes it more likely he or she will support policies that align with their values. (Align Quotes)
The requirements for our evolution have changed. Survival is no longer sufficient. Our evolution now requires us to develop spiritually - to become emotionally aware and make responsible choices. It requires us to align ourselves with the values of the soul - harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for life. (Align Quotes)
One thing I have throughout my career, it felt like I did my best to align myself with quality artists, quality work, and it is a situation of steel sharpening steel. (Align Quotes)
With best thoughts, words and actions we align our past, present and future (Align Quotes)
At age 14, my belief systems began to change about myself, about God, about humans, about values, and about moral standards. I also began to align myself with the principles that are laid down by the Creator in the book called the Bible. (Align Quotes)
I’m an underdog person, so I align myself with those who seem to be not considered valuable in polite society. (Align Quotes)
Nature is with us if we can learn how to align with it and not break the basic laws that generate life. (Align Quotes)
Remarkable visions and genuine insight are always met with resistance. And when you start to make progress, your efforts are met with even more resistance. Products, services, career paths... whatever it is, the forces for mediocrity will align to stop you, forgiving no errors and never backing down until it’s over (Align Quotes)
When people align around shared political, social, economic or environmental values, and take collective action, thinking and behavior that compromises the lives of millions of people around the world can truly change. (Align Quotes)
When we align our lives with spiritual laws, challenges remain, but we can approach them with arms open wide, ready to dance. (Align Quotes)
Most of us don’t think about miracles that we could possibly do. We don’t have a vocabulary of how God works with the specific things that He does, and we don’t know how to align ourselves with what He is doing so that we can be His vehicle on the earth to deliver a miracle. (Align Quotes)
Whenever you’re going through a tough time, generally, you become more compassionate, you become softer, you become more thoughtful, kinder. These are all spiritual qualities that will help you to align yourself with God and God consciousness rather than with a split fear-based consciousness. (Align Quotes)
What is clear is that business leaders must commit to champion change - to be transparent about their goals for change, to align their incentives systems to drive the change, and to make sure their work environments are flexible in a way that allows men and women who choose to work to be able to achieve all of their potential (Align Quotes)
The thing that matters is meaning! It drives everything. Builders align their attention to the things that matter to them, and they know a lot about that stuff (Align Quotes)
It occurred to me that building a company was the best way to align a group of people towards building something great. And its really... It’s a good organizational structure where you can really reward people. If they’re building something that’s good, you can you work with partners and reward them if the product that you’re developing work well. It’s a good way to get the best people involved to build something very good (Align Quotes)
Courage is a requirement for facing your fears, doing things differently, and applying any new habits that align with and support your goals. (Align Quotes)
For years now, the Lakers have expressed interest in having me play for them, but we could never get the stars to align. I’m finally a Laker. (Align Quotes)
Working on ‘NYPD Blue’ and 24’, those two series, I did full runs on those. It’s great work, but everything has to align. The producers have to want you; the network has to want you; there has to be great writing; and it’s not as easy as it may appear to the outsiders to make all those things align. (Align Quotes)
It’s stunning to me what kind of an impact even one person can have if they have the right passion, perspective and are able to align the interest of a great team. (Align Quotes)
We need to align the incentives so that colleges have an incentive to keep down their costs... to graduate students on time with degrees in areas where they’re going to be able to get jobs and going to be able to pay back those loans. (Align Quotes)
When you love without conditions, you the human and you the God, align with the spirit of life moving through you. (Align Quotes)
It’s not an accident that musicians become musicians and engineers become engineers: it’s what they’re born to do. If you can tune into your purpose and really align with it, setting goals so that your vision is an expression of that purpose, then life flows much more easily. (Align Quotes)
Moving on means getting back on track to align with the opposite of what turned you off (Align Quotes)
Never hesitate to let the one you love know how you feel. Align your minds, synchronise your hearts and above be fearless when dancing with their souls. (Align Quotes)
I’m passionate about anything I align myself with. You want to talk about chocolate chip cookies? I’m not going to open a chocolate chip cookie store, but I will talk your ear off about it. (Align Quotes)