Alike Quotes

Text Quotes
What we love, we protect. This story will delight children and parents alike, who care for what they love (Alike Quotes)
By developing individual strengths, guarding against weaknesses, and appreciating the strengths of other types, life will be more amusing, more interesting, and more of a daily adventure than it could possibly be if everyone were alike (Alike Quotes)
Differentiation is simply a teacher attending to the learning needs of a particular student or small groups of students, rather than teaching a class as though all individuals in it were basically alike (Alike Quotes)
The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding go out to meet it (Alike Quotes)
Because I’m a civil rights activist, I am also an animal rights activist. Animals and humans suffer and die alike. Violence causes the same pain, the same spilling of blood, the same stench of death, the same arrogant, cruel and vicious taking of life. We shouldn’t be a part of it (Alike Quotes)
Nobody’s going to fix the world for us, but working together, making use of technological innovations and human communities alike, we might just be able to fix it ourselves (Alike Quotes)
One big reason I do what I do is there’s no two days alike. It’s not work for me. It’s my life. My passion (Alike Quotes)
Every moment in your life is unique. You will never have two alike... Never. This is the science of living: When you begin to appreciate every moment. To have a heart so open, an understanding so beautiful, and a yearning for appreciation so complete that when that moment comes... you see exactly what it is (Alike Quotes)
It is important that karate can be practiced by the young and old, men and women alike. That is, since there is no need for a special training place, equipment, or an opponent, a flexibility in training is provided such that the physically and spiritually weak individual can develop his body and mind so gradually and naturally that he himself may not even realize his own great progress (Alike Quotes)
It is the first vision that counts. The artist has only to remain true to his dream and it will possess his work in such a manner that it will resemble the work of no other... for no two visions are alike, and those who reach the heights have all toiled up steep mountains by a different route. To each has been revealed a different panorama (Alike Quotes)
The things that make us alike are stronger and finer than the things that make us different (Alike Quotes)
Shadow is the diminution alike of light and of darkness, and stands between darkness and light (Alike Quotes)
Among the humble and great alike, those who achieve success do so not because fate and circumstance are especially kind to them. Often the reverse is true. They succeed because they do not whine over their fate but take whatever has been given to them and go on to make the most of their best (Alike Quotes)
We are all doomed to seek our own happiness; we can’t help ourselves. We are all, the cruel and the gentle alike, condemned to seeking that happiness in the dark. We use our need as the blind use a walking stick, to determine the safety of every forward step (Alike Quotes)
In truth, the legitimate contention is, not of one age or school of literary art against another, but of all successive schools alike, against the stupidity which is dead to the substance, and the vulgarity which is dead to form (Alike Quotes)
Never trust a sentimentalist. They are all alike, pretenders to virtue, at heart selfish frauds and sensualists (Alike Quotes)
Writers and painters alike are in the business of consulting their own imaginations, and stimulating the imaginations of others. Together, and separately, they celebrate the absolute mystery of otherness (Alike Quotes)
There are such wonderful possibilities in the life of each man and woman! No human being is unimportant. My inspiration comes in opening opportunities that all alike may be free to live life to the fullest (Alike Quotes)
A truly common culture is not one in which we all think alike, or in which we all believe that fairness is next to godliness, but one in which everyone is allowed to be in on the project of cooperatively shaping a common way of life (Alike Quotes)
I love writing about men. To get by in the world you have to know how men think. Not that all guys think alike, but women tend to think about more things at the same time, an overgeneralization, but I find it easier to make my male characters focus than I do my female characters (Alike Quotes)
You discovered yourself and what really mattered only after you passed through the lens of the fairy tale, imposed on every human female and male alike, that someone existed out in the forest of the world for you to love and marry (Alike Quotes)
If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thru chinks of his cavern.I see every thing I paint in this world, but everybody does not see alike. To the eyes of a miser a guinea is more beautiful than the sun, and a bag worn with the use of money has more beautiful proportions than a vine filled with grapes (Alike Quotes)
Good friends, how then are meditation and wisdom alike? They are like the lamp and the light it gives forth. If there is a lamp there is light; if there is no lamp there is no light. The lamp is the substance of light; the light is the function of the lamp. Thus, although they have two names, in substance they are not two. Meditation and wisdom are also like this (Alike Quotes)
I hear so many of the young people today sing and I think they have a good voice, yet I wonder if they’ll ever know that they sound alike (Alike Quotes)
Error is a hardy plant; it flourisheth in every coil; In the heart of the wise and good, alike with the wicked and foolish; For there is no error so crooked, but it hath in it some lines of truth (Alike Quotes)
Painters and poets alike have always had license to dare anything! We know that, and we both claim and allow to others in their turn this indulgence (Alike Quotes)
If faces were not alike, we could not distinguish men from beasts; if they were not different, we could not tell one man from another (Alike Quotes)
Wit lies in the likeness of things that are different, and in the difference of things that are alike (Alike Quotes)
There are two statements about human beings that are true: that all human beings are alike, and that all are different. On those two facts all human wisdom is founded (Alike Quotes)
Cezanne is one of the most liberal artists I have ever seen... he grants that everyone may be as honest and as true to nature from their convictions; he doesn’t believe that everyone should see alike (Alike Quotes)