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All Day Quotes

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When I was a younger actor, I would try to keep it serious all day. But I have found, later on, that the lighter I am about things when I’m going to do a big scene that’s dramatic and takes a lot out of you, the better off I am when I come to it  (All Day Quotes) I would play hooky from school and spend all day in the movie theaters. Consequently, I learned satire in all its subtle forms  (All Day Quotes) Sometimes I spend all day in my dressing gown. But if I do dress, I make myself ravishing because then, I feel ravishing  (All Day Quotes) All day, the colors had been those of dusk, mist moving like a water creature across the great flanks of mountains possessed of ocean shadows and depths  (All Day Quotes) I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can’t do anything but think about him. At night I dream of him, all day I wait to see him, and when I do see him my heart turns over and I think I will faint with desire  (All Day Quotes) Bruno: Why do you wear pajamas all day? Shmuel: The soldiers. They took all our clothes away. Bruno: My dad’s a soldier, but not the sort that takes people’s clothes away  (All Day Quotes) Our team is good at getting dressed real quick, because we’re the type of team that wears their uniforms all day  (All Day Quotes) Whoever had decided that school should start so early in the morning and last all day long needed to be hunted down and forced to watch hours of educational televison without the aid of caffine  (All Day Quotes) I wish the whole day were like breakfast, when people are still connected to their dreams, focused inward, and not yet ready to engage with the world around them. I realized this is how I am all day; for me, unlike other people, there doesn’t come a moment after a cup of coffee or a shower or whatever when I suddenly feel alive and awake and connected to the world. If it were always breakfast, I would be fine  (All Day Quotes) One day I would have all the books in the world, shelves and shelves of them. I would live my life in a tower of books. I would read all day long and eat peaches. And if any young knights in armor dared to come calling on their white chargers and plead with me to let down my hair, I would pelt them with peach pits until they went home  (All Day Quotes) I heard a bird congratulating itself all day for being a jay. Nobody cared. But it was glad all over again, and said so, again  (All Day Quotes) If I wasn’t an actress I’d want to be a writer or else find a job where I got to read books and watch movies all day, everyday, for the rest of my life  (All Day Quotes) For some nights I slept profoundly; but still every morning I felt the same lassitude, and a languor weighed upon me all day. I felt myself a changed girl. A strange melancholy was stealing over me, a melancholy that I would not have interrupted. Dim thoughts of death began to open, and an idea that I was slowly sinking took gentle, and, somehow, not unwelcome possession of me. If it was sad, the tone of mind which this induced was also sweet. Whatever it might be, my soul acquiesced in it  (All Day Quotes) The universal pervasion of ugliness, hideous landscapes, vile noises, foul language... everything. Unnatural, broken, blasted; the distortion of the dead, whose unburiable bodies sit outside the dug outs all day, all night, the most execrable sights on earth. In poetry we call them the most glorious  (All Day Quotes) To live in a culture in which women are routinely naked where men aren’t is to learn inequality in little ways all day long  (All Day Quotes) I been with strangers all day and they treated me like family. I come in here to family and you treat me like a stranger  (All Day Quotes) You see... it’s really quite strenuous doing nothing all day, so once a week we take a holiday and go nowhere, which was just where we were going when you came along. Would you care to join us?  (All Day Quotes) Togetherness has to do with focused attention. It is giving someone your undivided attention. As humans, we have a fundamental desire to connect with others. We may be in the presence of people all day long, but we do not always feel connected  (All Day Quotes) Kaoru: Grownups are so tiresome. They fake their smiles all day long and they try to force us to do the same. It’s no fun at all  (All Day Quotes) Woke up this morning with a terrific urge to lie in bed all day and read. Fought against it for a minute. Then looked out the window at the rain. And gave over. Put myself entirely in the keep of this rainy morning. Would I live my life over again? Make the same unforgivable mistakes? Yes, given half a chance. Yes  (All Day Quotes) There’s an awful lot of misunderstanding here about what being poor actually means. I don’t think people understand that being poor means you have to work from dawn until dusk just to survive through the day. I think there’s some notion that poor people lie about all day not doing anything. It is remarkable how many misconceptions there are here about life in the developing world and I think that that knowledge gap has done a lot to contribute to the imbalance quite frankly  (All Day Quotes) For me being depressed means you can spend all day in bed, and still not get a good night’s rest  (All Day Quotes) There are those who work all day. Those who dream all day. And those who spend an hour dreaming before setting to work to fulfill those dreams. Go into the third category because there’s virtually no competition  (All Day Quotes) We play at the world’s most beautiful beaches but in the world’s most challenging conditions. It is not like you play one match and you go back to air conditioning. We do it all day long  (All Day Quotes) Success is never on discount! Greatness is never on sale! Greatness is never half off! It’s all or nothing! It’s all day, every day! Greatness is never on discount!  (All Day Quotes) With a little inner pirouette of excitement I realised just how much there was to look forward to tomorrow. The thought of being all day naked in the sun was delicious enough in itself, but there was the whole of our new world to explore  (All Day Quotes) If you act like you’ve only got fifteen minutes, it’ll take all day. Act like you’ve got all day and it’ll take fifteen minutes  (All Day Quotes) Raise your hand if you’ve spent nights crying yourself to sleep, raise your hand if you’ve felt as if you’d rather hide in bed all day than face the people that make you feel small or powerless! Raise your hand if you’ve felt as if you’d rather lie to people than tell them the truth about who you really are, because at least you wouldn’t be the victim of hateful behavior or prejudice! And raise your hand if lying feels almost as bad  (All Day Quotes) Your body is like a piece of dynamite. You can tap it with a pencil all day, but you’ll never make it explode. You hit it once with a hammer: Bang! Get serious. Do 40 hard minutes, not an hour and half of nonsense. It’s so much more rewarding  (All Day Quotes) I admire the women who can have babies and jump right back to work. As a nursing mother, I couldn’t sit there and just pump all day. I needed to be close to my baby  (All Day Quotes)
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