All Things Quotes

Text Quotes
Of all things we mortals are called upon to do, the most difficult is forgiveness; in order to truly do it, you will probably have to behave as if you already have forgiven for quite a while before you have actually done so (All Things Quotes)
The power of one is above all things the power to believe in yourself, ofen well beyond any latent ability you may have previously demonstrated. The mind is the athlete, the body is simply the means it uses to run faster or longer, jump higher, shoot straighter, kick better, swim harder, hit further, or box better (All Things Quotes)
The earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself (All Things Quotes)
Listen to the trees as they sway in the wind. Their leaves are telling secrets. Their bark sings songs of olden days as it grows around the trunks. And their roots give names to all things. Their language has been lost. But not the gestures (All Things Quotes)
That the stars guide us, but do not compel us. It is our free will that determines the outcome of all things. God does impose his will on us, rather he makes it known and allows us to choose if we will follow it (All Things Quotes)
The small things of life were often so much bigger than the great things... the trivial pleasure like cooking, one’s home, little poems especially sad ones, solitary walks, funny things seen and overheard (All Things Quotes)
I know it is something of a cliche to say that love makes all things possible, but I believe it does. It is not a magic wand that can be waved over life to make it all sweet and lovely and trouble free, but it can give the energy to fight the odds and win (All Things Quotes)
Lord make me satisfied with small things. Make me content to live on the outside of life. God make me love the rind! (All Things Quotes)
The most wonderful of all things in life is the discovery of another human being with whom one’s relationship has a growing depth, beauty and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing; it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of divine accident, and the most wonderful of all things in life (All Things Quotes)
And remember, you shall suffer all things and again suffer: until you have sufficient sufferance to accept all things (All Things Quotes)
Enclose your heart in times of need with the steel of your determination and your strength. In doing this, all things will be bearable (All Things Quotes)
I know only one thing. when I sleep, I know no fear, no, trouble no bliss. blessing on him who invented sleep. the common coin that purchases all things, the balance that levels shepherd and king, fool and wise man. there is only one bad thing about sound sleep. they say it closely resembles death (All Things Quotes)
In the end there is nothing to be done but to state clearly what has been done, without shame or regret, and say: Here I am, and this is what I am. Now deal with me as you see fit. That is your right. Mine is to stand by the act, and pay the price. You do what you must do, and pay for it. So in the end all things are simple (All Things Quotes)
God arranges everything for us, so that we need have no more fear or trouble and may be quite sure that all things will come right in the end (All Things Quotes)
I am your forest, your earth, your eternity. I am your life. I am your death. I am all things forever and always. Love me. Love me. Forever love me (All Things Quotes)
When a man looks at the stars, he grows calm and forgets small things. They answer his questions and show him that his earth is only one of the million worlds. Hold your soul still and look upward often, and you will understand their speech. Never forget the stars (All Things Quotes)
Of course it does not apply to me. I am the soul of honor, kindness, mercy and goodness. Trust me in all things (All Things Quotes)
Banality is like boredom: bored people are boring people, people who think that things are banal are themselves banal. Interesting people can find something interesting in all things (All Things Quotes)
Nothing, she now knew, could be defined in exclusion, and every bug, pencil, and grass blade was a dictionary in itself, requiring the definitions of all things to fulfill its own (All Things Quotes)
Illegibility of this world. All things twice over. The strong clocks justify the splitting hour, hoarsely. You, clamped into your deepest part, climb out of yourself for ever (All Things Quotes)
That all things are possible to him who believes, that they are less difficult to him who hopes, they are more easy to him who loves, and still more easy to him who perseveres in the practice of these three virtues (All Things Quotes)
Beauty can be seen in all things, seeing and composing the beauty is what separates the snapshot from the photograph (All Things Quotes)
A happy disposition is largely a disposition to make others happy. One life permeates all things, and there is no corner of the cosmos too remote to feel its heart throb (All Things Quotes)
A silent figure is the dancer, true but still, words become dance, and all things there express’d (All Things Quotes)
Of the first philosophers, then, most thought the principles which were of the nature of matter were the only principles of all things. That of which all things that are consist, the first from which they come to be, the last into which they are resolved... this they say is the element and this is the principle of things... yet they do not all agree as to the number and the nature of these principle is water (All Things Quotes)
Every thing in human character goes to wreck, under the reign of procrastination, while prompt action gives to all things a corresponding and proportional life and energy (All Things Quotes)
In everything that moves through the universe, I see my own body, and in everything that governs the universe, my own soul. All men are my brethren, and all things my companions (All Things Quotes)
You’ve just got to get over that mental hurdle and those battles in your own head during matches when things aren’t going so well. It takes time. It’s probably all things I already knew, but for someone to talk about it maybe in a different way makes you realise things (All Things Quotes)
All things are bound together, all things connect. Whatever befalls the earth, befalls also the children of the earth (All Things Quotes)
All things pass and pain is temporary. It comes to teach a lesson and when the lesson is understood it disappears into the night (All Things Quotes)