All Things Quotes

Text Quotes
Growing old is, of all things we experience, that which takes the most courage, and at a time when we have the least resources, especially with which to meet frustration (All Things Quotes)
A learned man is not learned in all things; but a sufficient man is sufficient throughout, even to ignorance itself (All Things Quotes)
Beauty is an omnipresence of death and loveliness, a smiling sadness that we discern in nature and all things, a mystic communion that the poet feels (All Things Quotes)
Courage charms us, because it indicates that a man loves an idea better than all things in the world, that he is thinking neither of his bed, nor his dinner, nor his money, but will venture all to put in act the invisible thought of his mind (All Things Quotes)
Parliament will train you to talk; and above all things to hear, with patience, unlimited quantities of foolish talk (All Things Quotes)
The roaring of the wind is my wife and the stars through the window pane are my children. The mighty abstract idea I have of beauty in all things stifles the more divided and minute domestic happiness (All Things Quotes)
Love feels no burden, regards not labors, strives toward more than it attains, argues not of impossibility, since it believes that it may and can do all things (All Things Quotes)
All things change, nothing is extinguished. There is nothing in the whole world which is permanent. Everything flows onward; all things are brought into being with a changing nature; the ages themselves glide by in constant movement (All Things Quotes)
All things human hang by a slender thread; and that which seemed to stand strong suddenly falls and sinks in ruins (All Things Quotes)
Out of suffering comes the serious mind; out of salvation, the grateful heart; out of endurance, fortitude; out of deliverance faith. Patient endurance attends to all things (All Things Quotes)
The basic truth of all things, as nearly as we may ever dream of determining and knowing this truth, is form, that which is, as it is. The way and shape of the thing no less than the thing itself (All Things Quotes)
Those whom we call ancient were really new in all things, and properly constituted the infancy of mankind (All Things Quotes)
Sloth makes all things difficult, but industry all easy; and he that riseth late must trot all day, and shall scarce overtake his business at night; while laziness travels so slowly, that poverty soon overtakes him (All Things Quotes)
Time is the measurer of all things, but is itself immeasurable, and the grand discloser of all things, but is itself undisclosed (All Things Quotes)
Nothing is in reality either pleasant or unpleasant by nature but all things become so through habit (All Things Quotes)
A painter should begin every canvas with a wash of black, because all things in nature are dark except where exposed by the light (All Things Quotes)
Man is manifestly not the measure of all things. This universe is shot through with mystery. The very fact of its being, and of our own, is a mystery absolute, and the only miracle worthy of the name (All Things Quotes)
Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude (All Things Quotes)
For what I always hated and detested and cursed above all things was this contentment, this healthiness and comfort, this carefully preserved optimism of the middle classes, this fat and prosperous brood of mediocrity (All Things Quotes)
Good sense is the most equitably distributed of all things because no matter how much or little a person has, everyone feels so abundantly provided with good sense that he feels no desire for more than he already possesses (All Things Quotes)
What is art but the life upon the larger scale, the higher. When, graduating up in a spiral line of still expanding and ascending gyres, it pushes toward the intense significance of all things, hungry for the infinite? (All Things Quotes)
Ah, that shows you the power of music, that magician of magician, who lifts his wand and says his mysterious word and all things real pass away and the phantoms of your mind walk before you clothed in flesh (All Things Quotes)
Words are only painted fire, a look is the fire itself. She gave that look, and carried it away to the treasury of heaven, where all things that are divine belong (All Things Quotes)
It seems an insult to the night to speak of purpose and intent, when this common moment is so brimming full of blessed design tranquility. All things follow their course (All Things Quotes)
I do not need to know all things. I remind myself that it is sufficient that I know what I know and know that without believing that I will always know what I know or that what I know will always be true (All Things Quotes)
No lists of things to be done. The day providential to itself. The hour. There is no later. This is later. All things of grace and beauty such that one holds them to one’s heart have a common provenance in pain. Their birth in grief and ashes (All Things Quotes)
It’s overwhelming. I feel as if I am living in an illusion a dream where all things are possible. Amazing things do happen I know but always to someone else always in some far off place and time (All Things Quotes)
Every intelligent individual wants to know what makes him tick, and yet is at once fascinated and frustrated by the fact that oneself is the most difficult of all things to know (All Things Quotes)
I love all things, not only the grand but the infinitely small: thimble, spurs, plates, flower vases (All Things Quotes)
Tell my brother to remember his heart in all things. That is where his honor and his destiny will be found. Tell him (All Things Quotes)