All you did was sit there, he said. Why are you so tired? I sat very diligently, she said

All you did was sit there, he said. Why are you so tired? I sat very diligently, she said
In the world of Robin McKinley's novels, characters often find themselves in situations where they must confront their own limitations and push themselves beyond what they thought possible. This quote, "All you did was sit there, he said. Why are you so tired? I sat very diligently, she said," perfectly encapsulates this theme of perseverance and determination in the face of adversity.McKinley's protagonists are often faced with challenges that require them to dig deep within themselves to find the strength to overcome. In her novel "The Blue Sword," the main character, Harry Crewe, must learn to harness her inner power and courage in order to defeat the evil sorcerer, Corlath. Despite facing numerous obstacles and setbacks, Harry refuses to give up and ultimately emerges victorious.
Similarly, in "Beauty: A Retelling of the Story of Beauty and the Beast," the titular character must learn to see beyond appearances and find the beauty within herself and others. Beauty's journey is one of self-discovery and growth, as she learns to appreciate her own worth and value.
The quote "All you did was sit there, he said. Why are you so tired? I sat very diligently, she said," speaks to the idea that sometimes the most difficult battles are fought within ourselves. It is not always physical exertion that leaves us exhausted, but the mental and emotional strain of pushing ourselves beyond our perceived limits.