Allan Bloom Quotes

Text Quotes
I bless a society that tolerates and supports an eternal childhood for some, a childhood whose playfulness can in turn be a blessing to society (Allan Bloom Quotes)
Gide … latches on to Nietzsche's immoralism for the sake of leveling bourgeois sexual morals, using a cannon to kill a gnat (Allan Bloom Quotes)
Hitler proved to the satisfaction of most, if not all, that the last man is not the worst of all (Allan Bloom Quotes)
Psychology … finds causes of creativity that blur the difference between a Raphael and a finger painter. Everything is in that difference, which necessarily escapes our science (Allan Bloom Quotes)
In order to know such an amorphous being as man, rousseau himself and his particular history are, in his view, more important than is Socrates' quest for man in general or man in himself (Allan Bloom Quotes)
Students are not in a position to know the pleasures of reason; they can only see it as a disciplinary and repressive parent (Allan Bloom Quotes)
All the terms discussed in Part Two are evidences of this abstractness, simulacra of thought and experience, hardly better than slogans, which take the place of reflection (Allan Bloom Quotes)
Television enters not only the room, but also the tastes of old and young alike, appealing to the immediately pleasant and subverting whatever does not conform to it (Allan Bloom Quotes)
These are the reasons that help to explain the perversity of an adult who prefers the company of youths to that of grownups. He prefers the promising might be to the defective is (Allan Bloom Quotes)
No real teacher can doubt that his task is to assist his pupil to fulfill human nature against all the deforming forces of convention and prejudice (Allan Bloom Quotes)
The history of liberal thought since Locke and Smith has been one almost unbroken decline in philosophic substance (Allan Bloom Quotes)
Any notion of the serious life of leisure, as well as men's taste and capacity to live it, has disappeared. Leisure [has become] entertainment (Allan Bloom Quotes)
The real community of man is the community of those who seek the truth, of the potential knowers (Allan Bloom Quotes)
Fathers and mothers have lost the idea that the highest aspiration they might have for their children is for them to be wise. Specialized competence and success are all that they can imagine (Allan Bloom Quotes)
Authentic values are those by which a life can be lived, which can form a people that produces great deeds and thoughts (Allan Bloom Quotes)
There is no real teacher who in practice does not believe in the existence of the soul, or in a magic that acts on it through speech (Allan Bloom Quotes)
The expectation of substantive unity between natural science and social science has faded... Gone is the cosmic intention of placing man in the universe (Allan Bloom Quotes)
Rock gives children, on a silver platter, with all the public authority of the entertainment industry, everything their parents always used to tell them they had to wait for until they grew up and would understand later (Allan Bloom Quotes)
Reason transformed into prejudice is the worst form of prejudice, because reason is the only instrument for liberation from prejudice (Allan Bloom Quotes)
Reason cannot establish values, and its belief that it can is the stupidiest and most pernicious illusion (Allan Bloom Quotes)
Plato... says a multitude can never philosophize and hence can never recognize the seriousness of philosophy or who really philosophizes. Attempting to influence the multitude results in forced prostitution (Allan Bloom Quotes)
These sociologists who talk so facilely about the sacred are like a man who keeps a toothless old circus lion around the house in order to experience the thrills of the jungle (Allan Bloom Quotes)
Classical music is now a special taste, like the Greek language or pre-Columbian archeology, not a common culture of reciprocal communication and psychological shorthand (Allan Bloom Quotes)
Did Romeo and Juliet have a … relationship? the term relationship … betokens a chaste egalitarianism leveling different ranks and degrees of attachment (Allan Bloom Quotes)
The distinction between the world of commerce and that of culture quickly became the distinction between infrastructure and superstructure, with the former clearly determining the latter (Allan Bloom Quotes)
To recognize that some of the things our culture believes are not true imposes on us the duty of finding out which are true and which are not (Allan Bloom Quotes)
Philosophy was architectonic, had the plans for the whole building, and the carpenters, masons and plumbers were its subordinates and had no meaning without its plan (Allan Bloom Quotes)
Students now arrive at the university ignorant and cynical about our political heritage, lacking the wherewithal to be either inspired by it or seriously critical of it (Allan Bloom Quotes)
Economics has its own simple built in psychology, and that provided by the science of psychology … flatly contradicts the primacy of the motives alleged by economics (Allan Bloom Quotes)
The strength of his soul is a result of the part of it that makes him proud and ambitious, that seeks an autonomy not dependent on others' opinions or wills (Allan Bloom Quotes)