Allen Tate Quotes
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Text Quotes
Death’s long anabasis (Allen Tate Quotes)
What is the flesh and blood compounded ofBut a few moments in the life of time?This prowling of the cells, litigious love,Wears the long claw of flesh-arguing crime. (Allen Tate Quotes)
Our loss put six feet under ground Is measured by the magnolia’s root; Our gain’s the intellectual sound Of death’s feet round a weedy tomb. (Allen Tate Quotes)
Swimmer of noonday, lean for the perfect dive To the dead Mother’s face, whose subtile down You had not seen take amber light alive. (Allen Tate Quotes)
Venus knows country matters: country knows Venus: For Love, Dione’s boy, was born on the farm (Allen Tate Quotes)
All the sea-gods are dead. You, Venus, come home To your salt maidenhead.... (Allen Tate Quotes)
In the cold morning the rested street stands up To greet the clerk who saunters down the world (Allen Tate Quotes)
My darling boy whom I shall never know, My son, I love you in my deepest fears.... (Allen Tate Quotes)
Ah, Christ, I love you rings to the wild sky And I must think a little of the past: When I was ten I told a stinking lie That got a black boy whipped.... (Allen Tate Quotes)
In an age of abstract experience, fornication Is self-expression, adjunct to Christian euphoria, And whores become delinquents; delinquents, patients; Patients, wards of society. Whores, by that rule, Are precious. (Allen Tate Quotes)
There is probably nothing wrong with art for art’s sake if we take the phrase seriously, and not take it to mean the kind of poetry written in England forty years ago (Allen Tate Quotes)
The twilight is long fingers and black hair (Allen Tate Quotes)
For intellect is a mansion where waste is without drain (Allen Tate Quotes)
We know the particular poem, not what it says that we can restate (Allen Tate Quotes)
But in our age the appeal to authority is weak, and I am of my age (Allen Tate Quotes)
Culture is the study of perfection, and the constant effort to achieve it (Allen Tate Quotes)
The innocent mansion of a panther’s heart! (Allen Tate Quotes)
Poets, in their way, are practical men; they are interested in results (Allen Tate Quotes)
Other psychological theories say a good deal about compensation (Allen Tate Quotes)
Experience means conflict, our natures being what they are, and conflict means drama (Allen Tate Quotes)
Men expect too much, do too little (Allen Tate Quotes)
Genetic theories, I gather, have been cherished academically with detachment (Allen Tate Quotes)
How does one happen to write a poem: where does it come from? That is the question asked by the psychologists or the geneticists of poetry (Allen Tate Quotes)
The mission for the day is to encourage students to think beyond traditional career opportunities, prepare for future careers and entrance into the workplace (Allen Tate Quotes)
I am not ridiculing verbal mechanisms, dreams, or repressions as origins of poetry; all three of them and more besides may have a great deal to do with it (Allen Tate Quotes)
Serious poetry deals with the fundamental conflicts that cannot be logically resolved: we can state the conflicts rationally, but reason does not relieve us of them (Allen Tate Quotes)
A poem may be an instance of morality, of social conditions, of psychological history; it may instance all its qualities, but never one of them alone, nor any two or three; never less than all (Allen Tate Quotes)
Dramatic experience is not logical; it may be subdued to the kind of coherence that we indicate when we speak, in criticism, of form (Allen Tate Quotes)
For some reason most critics have a hard time fixing their minds directly under their noses, and before they see the object that is there they use a telescope upon the horizon to see where it came from (Allen Tate Quotes)
I believe the term modulation denotes in music the uninterrupted shift from one key to another: I do not know the term for change of rhythm without change of measure (Allen Tate Quotes)
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