Ally Carter Quotes

Text Quotes
I think the canary left some feathers in there after you ate it (Ally Carter Quotes)
That’s for me to know, and for you to find out (Ally Carter Quotes)
Because death is the only thing that could have ever kept him from you (Ally Carter Quotes)
Sometimes the biggest lies we tell are to ourselves (Ally Carter Quotes)
Real strength is not hitting when what you most want to do is kill (Ally Carter Quotes)
The things that are most precious to us are sometimes the most secret (Ally Carter Quotes)
I’ll be here when you get back (Ally Carter Quotes)
Even the best thief in the world can’t steal time (Ally Carter Quotes)
Time. I would have gone somewhere to buy time (Ally Carter Quotes)
Eventually, we all end up alone (Ally Carter Quotes)
You were the only one who looked at me and didn’t see her (Ally Carter Quotes)
It was epic. It was awkward. It was epically awkward (Ally Carter Quotes)
But the downside of being con artist is that it very hard to con. Even if the lies you tell are to yourself (Ally Carter Quotes)
But in the end she merely shrugged, knowing at the very least it would be interesting. Knowing, in her gut, it might just be the beginning (Ally Carter Quotes)
The only way Bex would miss this would be if she were unconscious. And tied up. And in a concrete bunker. In Siberia (Ally Carter Quotes)
Most people believe me when I lie. I’ve learned how to say the words just right. I have a trusting kind of face. But the boy in front of me was a trained operative, so Zach knew better. And besides, Zach new me (Ally Carter Quotes)
You don’t need a search warrant to go through someone’s trash. Seriously. Once it hits the curb it is totally fair game-you an look it up (Ally Carter Quotes)
If you ever put a student at this school in danger again-‘ ‘Oh, I thought you Gallagher Girls were immune to danger.’ Despite the hundred girls the filled the foyer, no one moved or gasped or tried to defend our honor. We stood silently, waiting for our headmistress to say, ‘Oh, we are quite used to being underestimated, Agent Townsend. In fact, we welcome it (Ally Carter Quotes)
And then Zach said a really bad word, but I doubt DeeDee noticed because it was in Farsi (Ally Carter Quotes)
Tell me or I’ll yell for Mr. and Mrs. Baxter, and you can find out how bex became bex (Ally Carter Quotes)
The Operative tried to implement the Purusey breathing technique, which has been proven effective at fooling polygraphs. There is no conclusive evidence as to whether it is effective at masking the internal lie detectors of fifteen-year-old boys (Ally Carter Quotes)
If he’d looked like a cross between Mr. Clooney and, say, one of the hobbits, I probably would have been far more capable of coherent thought (Ally Carter Quotes)
Step 4: Cough and gag. Step 5: Repeat Step 4 until it feels like maybe your lungs aren’t inside your body anymore. Step 6: Remember that a really cute boy is beside you, so try to cough in a far more attractive manner (Ally Carter Quotes)
Oh.’ I shot upright. ‘I was in Mongolia.’ Note to self: learn to be a less extreme liar (Ally Carter Quotes)
Yes?’ Joe Solomon sounded like someone with far better things to do. ‘Is there any homework?’ she asked, and the class turned instantly from shocked to irritated. (Never ask that question in a room full of girls who are all black belts in karate) ‘Yes,’ Solomon said, holding the door in the universal signal for get out. ‘Notice things (Ally Carter Quotes)
Our world is built on adrenaline and getting away with it. Different cities different names. Its a far simpler life to lead when there is one around to tell you when you are being stupid. Believe me dear cousin I know better than anyone. - Gabrielle (Ally Carter Quotes)
It seems you don’t approve of the family business Katerina. Or of me. But these chances you take... These things you do... This is a dangerous life to live... alone (Ally Carter Quotes)
She thought she was only seeing him because she wanted to see him... It’s a by-product of very dramatic kissing (Ally Carter Quotes)
I could have lied. I could have fought. But desperate times call for desperate measures, so I took a chance and called upon a Gallagher Girl’s weapon of last resort. I flirted (Ally Carter Quotes)
Now I know that, from this point on, we’ll be the ones doing the chasing. And Iike it (Ally Carter Quotes)