Ally Condie Quotes
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Text Quotes
Being a teen is past for me. Worrying about the world and my place in it is not (Ally Condie Quotes)
Theres nothing like reading about a world that feels dead to throw your own beautiful, colorful life into sharp relief (Ally Condie Quotes)
Does loving someone mean you want them to be safe? Or that you want them to be able to choose? (Ally Condie Quotes)
Because I feel no anger toward my mother. Only loss, and loss is a feeling you can’t fight your way out of as easily (Ally Condie Quotes)
Everyone has something of beauty about them. But loving let’s you look, and look, and look again. You notice the back of a hand, the turn of a head, the way of a walk. When you first love, you look blind and you see it all as the glorious, beloved whole, or a beautiful sum of beautiful parts. But when you see the one you love as pieces, as why’s, you can love those parts too, and it’s a love at once more complicated and more complete (Ally Condie Quotes)
Every minute you spend with someone gives them a part of your life and takes part of theirs (Ally Condie Quotes)
We could have been happy. I know that, and it is perhaps the hardest thing to know (Ally Condie Quotes)
It’s been so long since I’ve let myself feel anger that I don’t just feel it. It covers my mouth and I swallow it down, the taste sharp and metal as though I’m gnawing through foilware (Ally Condie Quotes)
I wonder if I will ever have the strength to hold onto something. Or if I will always be someone who destroys (Ally Condie Quotes)
This is a difficult balance, telling the truth: how much to share, how much to keep, which truths will wound but not ruin, which will cut too deep to heal (Ally Condie Quotes)
Is falling in love with someone’s story the same thing as falling in love with the person himself? (Ally Condie Quotes)
It is strange how we hold on to the pieces of the past while we wait for our futures (Ally Condie Quotes)
In the end you can’t always choose what to keep. You can only choose how you let it go (Ally Condie Quotes)
Now that I’ve found the way to fly, which direction should I go into the night? (Ally Condie Quotes)
I think of how perhaps the best way to fly would be with hands full of earth, so you always remember where you came from (Ally Condie Quotes)
Do you think you could let someone go if you thought it was best for them? (Ally Condie Quotes)
It is one thing to make a choice and it is another thing to never have the chance (Ally Condie Quotes)
Red is the first color of spring. It’s the real color of rebirth. Of beginning (Ally Condie Quotes)
If you let hope inside, it takes you over. It feeds on your insides and uses your bones to climb and grow. Eventually it becomes the thing that is your bones, that holds you together. Holds you up until you don’t know how to live without it anymore. To pull it out of you would kill you entirely (Ally Condie Quotes)
It’s not knowing how to write that makes you interesting, it’s what you write (Ally Condie Quotes)
We can either try to change everything or just make the most of whatever time we have (Ally Condie Quotes)
I’m just a butterfly, a mourning cloak, sealed inside a cocoon with blnd eyes and stiky wings. And suddenly I wonder if the cocoons sometimes do not open, if the butterfly inside is ever simply not strong enough to break through (Ally Condie Quotes)
I realize now how much courage it takes to choose the life you want, whatever that might be (Ally Condie Quotes)
In a story, you can turn to the front and begin again and everyone lives once more. That doesn’t work in real life. And I love my real people the most (Ally Condie Quotes)
So much of life is in the smallness of moments... but they are harder to mark. So we need the grander celebrations and occasions. People like to feel significant (Ally Condie Quotes)
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