Alone In A Crowd Quotes

Text Quotes
The man that walks wit crowd, will get no farther than the crowd. The man that walks alone, will reach places unknown. (Alone In A Crowd Quotes)
I would rather stand alone in the light of truth than in the crowd filled with error (Alone In A Crowd Quotes)
You may live in a crowd but you meet God and face eternity alone (Alone In A Crowd Quotes)
Only the self-sufficient stand alone - most people follow the crowd and imitate (Alone In A Crowd Quotes)
If we keep our eyes fixed on God alone, then truly he must work in us and nothing, neither the crowd nor any place can hinder him in this. (Alone In A Crowd Quotes)
Always remember that you were once alone, and the crowd you see in your life today are just as unecessary as when you were alone. (Alone In A Crowd Quotes)
A man in the crowd asks: Hey Rodney, how’d you get started? Rodney: I was 12 years old, alone in my room, and I got started! (Alone In A Crowd Quotes)
And even though I’m standing in the middle of the biggest crowd I’ve ever seen in my life, I suddenly feel very alone. (Alone In A Crowd Quotes)
There’s only two ways to be completely alone in this world, lost in a crowd or in total isolation... (Alone In A Crowd Quotes)
People come and people go, moving fast and moving slow, I’m in a crowd and yet I’m all alone.... (Alone In A Crowd Quotes)
In a way, writing is an incredible act of individualism, producing your language, and yet to use it from the heart of a crowd as opposed to as an individual performance is a conflicting thing. I do stand alone, and yet it’s not about being an individual or being ambitious (Alone In A Crowd Quotes)
Those struggling with life-threatening thoughts do not feel connected to others. They feel all alone- even alone in the midst of a crowd (Alone In A Crowd Quotes)
It takes nothing to join the crowd. It takes everything to stand alone (Alone In A Crowd Quotes)
Better, Cilla thought, to be alone on a quiet night than to be alone in a crowd. Much better (Alone In A Crowd Quotes)
Now everybody’s got a crazy notion of their own. Some like to mix up with a crowd, some like to be alone. It’s no one elses’ business as far as I can see, but every time that I go out the people stare at me, with me little ukulele in me hand (Alone In A Crowd Quotes)
Solitude is strength; to depend on the presence of the crowd is weakness. The man who needs a mob to nerve him is much more alone than he imagines (Alone In A Crowd Quotes)
When you're surrounded by all these people, it can be even lonelier than when you're by yourself. You can be in a huge crowd, but if you don't feel like you can trust anybody or talk to anybody, you feel like you're really alone (Alone In A Crowd Quotes)
Tommy had felt alone in a crowd before, even inferior to everyone in a crowd, but now he felt, well, different. It wasn’t just the clothes and the make up, it was the humanity. He wasn’t part of it. Heightened senses or not, he felt like he had his nose pressed against the window, looking in. The problem was, it was the window of a donut shop (Alone In A Crowd Quotes)