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Alternation Quotes

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That, which has not its alternation of rest, will not last long  (Alternation Quotes) The law of nature is alternation for evermore. Each electrical state superinduces the opposite  (Alternation Quotes) The path of least resistance and least trouble is a mental rut already made. It requires troublesome work to undertake the alternation of old beliefs  (Alternation Quotes) I do not think we were afraid of death; life had become such an infinitely boring alternation between a period of stimulation which failed to stimulate and of depression which hardly even depressed  (Alternation Quotes) The alternation of motion is ever proportional to the motive force impressed; and is made in the direction of the right line in which that force is impressed  (Alternation Quotes) Music is pleasing not only because of the sound but because of the silence that is in it: without the alternation of sound and silence there would be no rhythm  (Alternation Quotes) Who gave you the ability to contemplate the beauty of the skies, the course of the sun, the round moon, the millions of stars, the harmony and rhythm that issue from the world as from a lyre, the return of the seasons, the alternation of the months, the demarcation of day and night, the fruits of the earth, the vastness of the air, the ceaseless motion of the waves, the sound of the wind?  (Alternation Quotes) Life is a continual alternation of rest and action, of the need of comfort and the need of power  (Alternation Quotes) I even see the cinema itself as a woman, with its alternation of light and darkness, of appearing and disappearing images  (Alternation Quotes) But, in addition, there is, all through the tragedy, a constant alternation of rises and falls in this tension or in the emotional pitch of the work, a regular sequence of more exciting and less exciting sections  (Alternation Quotes)