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Alway Quotes

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Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt  (Alway Quotes) He helde about him alway, out of drede, A world of folke  (Alway Quotes) The only person who suffers, when you squirrel alway all that hate, is you  (Alway Quotes) The infinite in mathematics is alway unruly unless it is properly treated  (Alway Quotes) The beautiful are never desolate; but some one alway loves them - God or man. If man abandons, God himself takes them  (Alway Quotes) Peace and love are ever in us, being and working; but we be not alway in peace and in love  (Alway Quotes) All a guy needed was a chance. Somebody was alway controlling who got a chance and who didn’t  (Alway Quotes) I would not live alway; I ask not to stay Where storm after storm rises dark o’er the way  (Alway Quotes) Head, you may think; heart, you may feel; But hand, you shall work alway!  (Alway Quotes)