Always Quotes

Text Quotes
Where ignorance prevails, there an opportunity exists but the possessor of ignorance shall always be ignorant of opportunities (Always Quotes)
Sometimes in life you don't always feel like a winner, but that doesn't mean you're not a winner, you want to be like yourself. I want my fans to know it's okay (Always Quotes)
I want women - and men - to feel empowered by a deeper and more psychotic part of themselves. The part they're always trying desperately to hide. I want that to become something that they cherish (Always Quotes)
Man is always equal to his purpose; when you control him, you do half a job but when you control his purpose, you do a total job (Always Quotes)
Until we see the 'this- advantage' in the disadvantage we shall always be looking at the disadvantages in life. life does not present us with disadvantages, it gives us 'this- advantages' to take. It is only because of excuses and low courage that we regard 'this advantages' as disadvantages (Always Quotes)
You may always find good books to read but the best and the ultimate book to read is the Holy Bible (Always Quotes)
We may always find a great and a beautiful city in the world for ourselves but the most precious and finest city to live in is our mind; a positive mind and a per second positive thoughts (Always Quotes)
We may always enslave ourselves to mankind if we do not clearly differentiate between showing respect to mankind from pleasing mankind (Always Quotes)
A horse is a beautiful animal, but it is perhaps most remarkable because it moves as if it always hears music (Always Quotes)
Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly (Always Quotes)
Culture has never the translucidity of custom; it abhors all simplification. In its essence it is opposed to custom, for custom is always the deterioration of culture (Always Quotes)
National liberation, national renaissance, the restoration of nationhood to the people, commonwealth: whatever may be the headings used or the new formulas introduced, decolonization is always a violent phenomenon (Always Quotes)
Confronting our feelings and giving them appropriate expression always takes strength, not weakness. It takes strength to acknowledge our anger, and sometimes more strength yet to curb the aggressive urges anger may bring and to channel them into nonviolent outlets. It takes strength to face our sadness and to grieve and to let our grief and our anger flow in tears when they need to. It takes strength to talk about our feelings and to reach out for help and comfort when we need it (Always Quotes)
Mutually caring relationships require kindness and patience, tolerance, optimism, joy in the other's achievements, confidence in oneself, and the ability to give without undue thought of gain. We need to accept the fact that it's not in the power of any human being to provide all these things all the time. for any of us, mutually caring relationships will always include some measure of unkindness and impatience, intolerance, pessimism, envy, self-doubt, and disappointment (Always Quotes)
When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping (Always Quotes)
I've always wanted to have a neighbor just like you. I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you (Always Quotes)
It's our insides that make us who we are, that allow us to dream and wonder and feel for others. That's what's essential. That's what will always make the biggest difference in our world (Always Quotes)
You can't expect anyone to trust revelation if he hasn't experienced it himself. Those who haven't only know reason. And since revelation is a thing apart, and cannot be accounted for reasonably, they never will believe you. This is the great division of the world and always has been. When reason and revelation run together, why, then you have something great, a great age (Always Quotes)
There always comes in September a parched brightness to the air that hits rabbit two ways, smelling of apples and blackboard dust and marking the return to school and work in earnest, but then again reminding him he's suffered another promotion, taken another step up the stairs that has darkness at the head (Always Quotes)
Lonely people have enthusiasms which cannot always be explained. When something strikes them as funny, the intensity and length of their laughter mirrors the depth of their loneliness, and they are capable of laughing like hyenas. When something touches their emotions, it runs through them like Paul Revere, awakening feelings that gather into great armies (Always Quotes)
There are two levels of vampirism: one is the regular vampire, which is just like it has always been; and then there's the super vampires, which are a new breed we've created (Always Quotes)
A father is always making his baby into a little woman. And when she is a woman he turns her back again (Always Quotes)
Whoever happens to give birth to mischievous children lives always with unending grief in his spirit and heart (Always Quotes)
[When] he's here, he's always reading. He says books stop time. I myself think he's crazy... Don't tell anyone, but when he reads something that he likes he gets real happy, turns on the music, and dances by himself, or with a broom sometimes (Always Quotes)
Whatever I do I've always done not because I want something but to compensate for a loss, to bring about a balance, to create amends, to make things right (Always Quotes)
If we are going to persevere as committed disciples of Jesus Christ over the course of our lives, we must always keep the gospel of God's forgiveness through Christ before us (Always Quotes)
God's guidance is almost always step-by-step; He does not show us our life's plan all at once. Sometimes our anxiousness to know the will of God comes from a desire to peer over God's shoulder to see what His plan is. What we need to do is learn to trust Him to guide us (Always Quotes)
In the old movies, yes, there always was the happy ending and order was restored. As it is in Shakespeare's plays. It's no disgrace to, in the end, restore order. and punish the wicked and, in some way, reward the righteous (Always Quotes)
God in His love always wills what is best for us. In His wisdom He always knows what is best, and in His sovereignty He has the power to bring it about (Always Quotes)
In the same way that certain sections of the city were mortal battlegrounds, some parts of the calendar were always more warlike than others, and during the days between Christmas and the new year all elements seemed to conspire to subdue the soul. Fire, rain, sickness, cold, and death were everywhere spread through the dark as in a painting of hell. People struggled until exhaustion, giving everything they had, and the days were packed with trials and mysteries (Always Quotes)