Amazing Quotes

Text Quotes
I’ve been watching Messi for some time now, and his ability to decide games and keep possession of the ball is amazing. (Amazing Quotes)
It’s amazing how the world has changed because, at that time [2005], a lot of actors didn’t want to play a gay role. (Amazing Quotes)
An amazing observation: it is precisely for feelings that one needs time, not for thought. ... Feelings, obviously, are more demanding than thought. (Amazing Quotes)
It’s amazing how many people even today use a computer to do something you can do with a pencil and paper in less time. (Amazing Quotes)
I don’t come taking millions of pictures. I spend time with them and simply observe. If you wait long enough those amazing images will come. (Amazing Quotes)
It’s amazing how close I have been, all this time, to my old life. And yet the distance that divides me from it is vast. (Amazing Quotes)
A good show makes me happy. It’s a great sensation. If you could capture a great atmosphere and do it every time, that would be amazing. (Amazing Quotes)
I always work with refugees and I think they are the most amazing people and it’s a privilege to spend time with them, so I will always. (Amazing Quotes)
The reason I quit fashion was that I had had enough of spending my time always being on my knees, making other people look amazing and fabulous. (Amazing Quotes)
John Green was on the set of ‘The Fault In Our Stars’ the entire time, which is amazing! Wouldn’t you want John Green on set the entire time? (Amazing Quotes)
As writers, we can do whatever we want to. We’re only limited by our imaginations. What an amazing, incredible time to be alive. How lucky we all are. (Amazing Quotes)
Every time we pray our horizon is altered, our attitude to things is altered, not sometimes but every time, and the amazing thing is that we don’t pray more. (Amazing Quotes)
I feel like my best work is in front of me. I’m in the studio now, and I’m having an amazing time making this new album. It’s something I can’t help. (Amazing Quotes)
Usually when I see Matthew [McConaughey] at a show, he’ll be down in front with his shirt off with two beers just going mental, lit up and having an amazing time. (Amazing Quotes)
We had this unbelievable faith that no business has done, quite frankly, and we tripped along the way doing it, but within two years, we were in 40-plus countries. So we ran at an amazing pace, and this is where venture capitalists play a role. Making Groupon into what it is today, we had no role in it; the entrepreneurs did it. (Amazing Quotes)
My introduction to the Madonna Inn came as a young boy when we would take summer vacations to a nearby town. My dad would take us into their gift shop bathroom, which was a huge waterfall that functioned as the men’s urinal. So as a kid, this was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. (Amazing Quotes)
Roosevelt got a chance to name an amazing nine justices of the Supreme Court. He was not namby-pamby on this question. He wanted people who shared his views, he wanted liberals, and he wanted lots of them. (Amazing Quotes)
When you live in L.A., it is easy to stay fit, as the weather is amazing. (Amazing Quotes)
People say, ‘Oh, you’re famous now, so you must go to L.A.’ - I don’t live in L.A. now - but it’s like, why wouldn’t you? The weather is amazing, the film industry’s there, it’s a great quality of life. (Amazing Quotes)
I tend to not watch things that are current. And then if everybody swears it’s amazing then I’ll like watch the whole series in a weekend. (Amazing Quotes)
My mother was the greatest example to me of anyone I’ve ever known. She didn’t have an easy life. I adored her. She worked hard all her life, and she was the one who set my values. She was quite an amazing woman, although she wasn’t tough at all. (Amazing Quotes)
And I don’t want you thinking that my girlfriend is a bad person. She is an amazing woman, the fact that I only have seven stories about her in eight years, says a lot. You know, don’t get me wrong, five of them happened this year, but that’s still way below the bar, you know what I am saying. (Amazing Quotes)
I reached a point in my life where I didn’t really like who I was.I was married to an amazing woman. I had children, and yet there was frustration. (Amazing Quotes)
I was lucky to come along for the ride. [My mother] really is an amazing woman. And the world we lived in in South Africa at the time was a very matriarchal society because so many black men had been removed from the home. (Amazing Quotes)
He tilted my head up with his index finger. Tingles spread on my skin. Pain, obstacles, betrayal and all shitty things that happen in life shape everyone, just as much as good things do. Don’t regret anything if in the end you can say you’re an amazing woman. (Amazing Quotes)
I just want to do a movie musical and then if I could do some recording stuff, that would be amazing! I would die a happy woman! I really would. It doesn’t take much! (Amazing Quotes)
There are lots of people whose style I admire, although I’d never dress like them. Chloe Sevigny is probably the most stylish woman ever, and Lady Gaga is amazing - it’s fun to watch what she’s going to wear next. (Amazing Quotes)
My mother, as a girl, had remembered this woman from Maine, someone who was part of the extended family somehow, and I recall her talking about this great, risk-taking woman. There are the most amazing, heroic stories in everybody’s lives. (Amazing Quotes)
Michelle Obama is going to be an amazing First Lady: She’s intelligent, capable and motivated. She just embodies everything that an American woman should represent. (Amazing Quotes)
Well, there are better cartoonists now than there ever have been. I firmly believe that. There’s some amazing work being done. (Amazing Quotes)