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The history of science is a record of the transformations of contempts amd amusements  (Amd Quotes) I’m the one who made many of the bold comments that we’d seen the technologies from AMD as pretty good. Their technology in many areas was leading. But those are transient  (Amd Quotes) Intel’s still our main partner. We have not announced anything with AMD and don’t have anything planned, but we’re constantly being aware to make sure our customers get the best technology  (Amd Quotes) Intel’s still our main partner. We have not announced anything with AMD and don’t have anything planned, but we’re constantly being aware to make sure our customers get the best technology.  (Amd Quotes) We expect a horse race, ... The reality is that competition drives all innovation. Intel did nothing with its 386 chip for five years until AMD introduced its own version in 1991.  (Amd Quotes)