Amendment Quotes

Text Quotes
The Fourth Amendment is on life support and the chief agent of that is the National Security Agency. (Amendment Quotes)
We are going to have a long period where people are accustomed or conditioned to what’s going on now with the raping of the Fourth Amendment. (Amendment Quotes)
The first amendment makes it clear that we are free to practice religion without government interference. The Constitution also establishes the separation of church and state so that the laws we live by our never guided by religious zeal. (Amendment Quotes)
The idea that corporations have the same First Amendment protections of free speech as people is troubling. Corporations are not people. They don’t attend our schools, get married and have children. They don’t vote in our elections. (Amendment Quotes)
Amending the U.S. Constitution, the document most sacred to those who love freedom and liberty, is a delicate endeavor and should be done only on the basis of the most clear and convincing evidence that a proposed amendment is necessary. (Amendment Quotes)
When I think of civil liberties I think of the founding principles of the country. The freedoms that are in the First Amendment. But also the fundamental right to privacy. (Amendment Quotes)
There’s a lot of things I believe in this world. I believe in God, I believe in the United States of America, and I support and believe in the Second Amendment. (Amendment Quotes)
We need a Supreme Court that in my opinion is going to uphold the Second Amendment, and all amendments, but the Second Amendment, which is under absolute siege. (Amendment Quotes)
Under my contract with the American voter, we are proposing a series of ethics reforms on day one to end government corruption. They include a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress. (Amendment Quotes)
The First Amendment of the Constitution was not written to protect the people from religion; that amendment was written to protect religion from government tyranny. . . But now we’re told our children have no right to pray in school. Nonsense. The pendulum has swung too far toward intolerance against genuine religious freedom. It is time to redress the balance. (Amendment Quotes)
We can have reasonable, thoughtful gun control measure that I think respect the Second Amendment and people’s traditions. (Amendment Quotes)
I strongly support the Second Amendment and I believe the Second Amendment ought to be preserved - which means no gun control. (Amendment Quotes)
As gun owners, my husband and I understand that the Second Amendment is most at risk when a criminal or deranged person commits a gun crime. These acts only embolden those who oppose gun ownership. Promoting responsible gun laws protects the Second Amendment and reduces lives lost from guns. (Amendment Quotes)
I support the Second Amendment. I lived in Arkansas for 18 wonderful years. I represented upstate New York. I understand and respect the tradition of gun ownership. It goes back to the founding of our country. (Amendment Quotes)
I believe we can have common sense gun safety measures consistent with the Second Amendment, and, in fact, what I have proposed is supported by 90 percent of the American people and more than 75 percent of responsible gun owners. (Amendment Quotes)
I don’t hate the government. I don’t think the Second Amendment is being infringed upon. (Amendment Quotes)
.......the truth is, while the FBI is hiding behind the 5th Amendment, the Unabomer is qualifying for Social Security as a terrorist. Beam me up, Mr. Speaker. (Amendment Quotes)