America Quotes

Text Quotes
I was born in Europe... and I've traveled all over the world. I can tell you that there is no place, no country, that is more compassionate, more generous, more accepting, and more welcoming than the United States of America (America Quotes)
As you know, I'm an immigrant. I came over here as an immigrant, and what gave me the opportunities, what made me to be here today, is the open arms of Americans. I have been received. I have been adopted by America (America Quotes)
I believe with all my heart that America remains 'the great idea' that inspires the world. It is a privilege to be born here. It is an honor to become a citizen here. It is a gift to raise your family here, to vote here, and to live here (America Quotes)
Oh, it's home again and home again, America for me! I want a ship that's westward bound to plough the rolling sea To the blessed land of Room Enough beyond the ocean bars, Where the air is full of sunlight and the flag is full of stars (America Quotes)
So it's home again, and home again, America for me! My heart is turning home again, and there I long to be, In the land of youth and freedom beyond the ocean bars, Where the air is full of sunlight and the flag is full of stars! (America Quotes)
America has entered one of its periods of historic madness, but this is the worst I can remember (America Quotes)
Out of the rack and ruin of our gangster death, the rape and rot of graft, and stealth, and lies, we, the people, must redeem the land, the mines, the plants, the rivers. The mountains and the endless plain - all, all the stretch of these great green states - and make America again! (America Quotes)
O, yes, I say it plain, America never was America to me, and yet I swear this oath - America will be! (America Quotes)
Sure, call me any ugly name you choose - The steel of freedom does not stain. From those who live like leeches on the people's lives, We must take back our land again, America! (America Quotes)
O, let America be America again - The land that never has been yet - And yet must be - the land where every man is free (America Quotes)
Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed - let it be that great strong land of love where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme that any man be crushed by one above (America Quotes)
I, too, sing America. I am the darker brother. They send me to eat in the kitchen when company comes, but I laugh, and eat well, and grow strong (America Quotes)
The immense popularity of American movies abroad demonstrates that Europe is the unfinished negative of which America is the proof (America Quotes)
I have news for the forces of greed and the defenders of the status quo; your time has come and gone. It's time for change in America (America Quotes)
Posterity is the world to come; the world for whom we hold our ideals, from whom we have borrowed our planet, and to whom we bear sacred responsibility. We must do what America does best: offer more opportunity to all and demand responsibility from all (America Quotes)
Our democracy must be not only the envy of the world but the engine of our own renewal. There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America (America Quotes)
Advances in computer technology and the Internet have changed the way America works, learns, and communicates. The Internet has become an integral part of America's economic, political, and social life (America Quotes)
I believe I'm a better authority than anybody else in America on my own wife. I have never known a person with a stronger sense of right and wrong in my life ever (America Quotes)
America is still a government of the naive, for the naive, and by the naive. He who does not know this, nor relish it, has no inkling of the nature of his country (America Quotes)
Leading from the front: It's what built America. But these days, the federal government isn't at the front – it's cowering in the back corner of the room, ducking responsibility and hoping no one notices (America Quotes)
There is no business in America that would be prevented from taking results into account when making personnel decisions (America Quotes)
I wish Godspeed to the man who was my former opponent and will be my president. And I call on all Americans, as I have often in this campaign, to not despair of our present difficulties, but to believe, always, in the promise and greatness of America, because nothing is inevitable here (America Quotes)
And we want a fight, and I will fight, but we will be respectful. I admire Senator Obama and his accomplishments, I will respect him and I want- No, no, I want everyone to be respectful, and let's make sure we are, because that's the way politics should be conducted in America (America Quotes)
Like every other 13-year-old in America, she's in love with Leonardo DiCaprio, who I think is an androgynous wimp. You know what he does throughout the whole movie Titanic? He smokes (America Quotes)
The first pork-barrel bill that crosses my desk, I'm going to veto it and make the authors of those pork-barrel items famous all over America (America Quotes)
To care for the quarrels of the past, to identify oneself passionately with a cause that became, politically speaking, a losing cause with the birth of the modern world, is to experience a kind of straining against reality, a rebellious nonconformity that, again, is rare in America, where children are instructed in the virtues of the system they live under, as though history had achieved a happy ending in American civics (America Quotes)
There are more acres of forest land in America today than when Columbus discovered the continent in 1492 (America Quotes)
This is not a battle between the United States of America and terrorism, but between the free and democratic world and terrorism. We, therefore, here in Britain stand shoulder to shoulder with our American friends in this hour of tragedy, and we, like them, will not rest until this evil is driven from our world (America Quotes)
I just want to say this. I want to say it gently but I want to say it firmly: there is a tendency for the world to say to America, the big problems of the world are yours, you go and sort them out, and then to worry when America wants to sort them out (America Quotes)
A free America means just this: individual freedom for all, rich or poor, or else this system of government we call democracy is only an expedient to enslave man to the machine and make him like it (America Quotes)