America Quotes

Text Quotes
America needs jobs, smaller government, less spending and a president with the courage to offer more than yet another speech (America Quotes)
America is a country that seems forever to be toddler or teenager, at those two stages of human development characterized by conflict between autonomy and security (America Quotes)
America is a land of wonders, in which everything is in constant motion and every change seems an improvement (America Quotes)
America, this is our moment. This is our time. Our time to turn the page of the policies of the past (America Quotes)
America is this incredible mosaic of immigrants, so people really want to be anchored in some kind of culture as well as the one they are living in (America Quotes)
America is a country that has been skating for ages on its unparalleled ability to look marvelous on the outside (America Quotes)
Gay marriage should be legalized in america because gay men are the only men who want to be married (America Quotes)
America, to me, should be shouting all the time, a bunch of shouting voices, most of them wrong, some of them nuts, but please, not just one droning glamourous reasonable voice (America Quotes)
Regarding the fitness craze: America has lost its soul; now it’s trying to save its body (America Quotes)
A common misconception is that the costs of health care are cheaper in rural America, when in fact the reality is that they are more expensive and more difficult to access (America Quotes)
After all, when the world looks to America, they look to us because we are the most successful political and economic experiment in human history (America Quotes)
After America won the Cold War, some believed we had come to the ‘end of history,’ and budget-cutters celebrated the so-called ‘peace dividend.’ As a result, we ignored the toxic mixture of militant Islam and terror that ultimately led to 9/11 (America Quotes)
After the Great Depression and after public urging, a nationwide public competition was held to determine a design for a memorial that would honor President Thomas Jefferson’s bold vision for westward expansion for America (America Quotes)
America changed my life, but I still think of home and working in Scotland was an important part of that (America Quotes)
America is about to turn the page on Barack Obama’s four-year experiment in big government (America Quotes)
America is still mostly xenophobic and racist. That’s the nature of America, I think (America Quotes)
America won the Cold War by protecting our strategic resources from the threat of foreign control. We must bring the same attitude to our trade relationship with China (America Quotes)
America, 5 years after this brutal attack, is testament that a Nation conceived in liberty and equality will endure. It is a triumph of millions of Americans but it is also the triumph of an idea larger than any one person, larger than any one nation (America Quotes)
American dreams are strongest in the hearts of those who have seen America only in their dreams (America Quotes)
Americans believe with all their heart, the vast majority of them, and the vast majority of Floridians, that the United States of America is simply the single greatest nation in all of human history (America Quotes)
An America that inspires hope in its ideals must complement an America that inspires awe in its strength (America Quotes)
And I hope America will realise, as the only superpower now, it really must use its power in a way that’s going to build up the world, and to support the United Nations (America Quotes)
And I think that we in America need to understand that many schools need improvement, and particularly with respect to how they’re serving minority children (America Quotes)
And if there’s any hope for America, it lies in a revolution, and if there’s any hope for a revolution in America, it lies in getting Elvis Presley to become Che Guevara (America Quotes)
And so I think that the idea of America working with other countries to solve problems is good for us, and it is part of digging us out of the ‘my way or the highway’ approach that was evident in the previous eight years (America Quotes)
And there’s a visceral fun in watching Team America and making it, like taking a puppet and throwing it against the wall. Because it’s not CG, there’s something funny about it (America Quotes)
Anyone that has come to America past the age of eighteen will be able to understand when I say that you can never shake your accent (America Quotes)
As I’ve said many times, the single most oppressed class in America right now is the teenager (America Quotes)
As the President reviewed the state of the union and unveiled his second-term agenda, he fell short of adequately explaining how he intends to set America back on the course of fiscal responsibility and secure the fiscal health of the nation (America Quotes)
As we look forward to freedom, the shining city on the hill and the best days of America lying ahead, it is the men and women in uniform who protect, defend and make us proud to whom we should look and give thanks every night (America Quotes)