America Quotes

Text Quotes
I don’t think that politics attracts the best and the brightest of America. It doesn’t attract the most sincere people (America Quotes)
The best doctors and the best hospitals in America, if they cannot get the patient information they need when they need it, it can lead to morbid consequences: Higher mortality (America Quotes)
We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. When the loyal opposition dies, I think the soul of America dies with it (America Quotes)
Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day (America Quotes)
And of course in America you’ve got American football and baseball and all those other ball games, soccer has become a little niche that the women have kind of filled (America Quotes)
There is extraordinary similarities between the Midwest in America and Europe in that there is this sense of vast, open sky and loneliness and cold (America Quotes)
They say now in America that final cut doesn’t mean anything. As Harvey Weinstein said to some film - maker, ‘You can have final cut. I’ll open your film in Arkansas (America Quotes)
One of the best kept secrets in America is that people are aching to make a commitment, if they only had the freedom and environment in which to do so (America Quotes)
We must resist the temptation of once again turning America into the traditional bogeyman of the left (America Quotes)
I always thought that the badge a cop has was more like the shield that Captain America has. It’s an obvious sign of good and something you’ll protect other people with, but it will also protect you (America Quotes)
Small businesses are the number one job creators in America. Therefore, it is important that the federal government creates an environment that helps them succeed, not one that sets them up to fail (America Quotes)
I want to make music that somehow connects to the things that I love in America music (America Quotes)
Who says I’m gonna marry another guy? In Europe it’s not like in America, where you set a date (America Quotes)
You don’t have to be old in America to say of a world you lived in: ‘that world is gone (America Quotes)
Some of the most miserable people I know are some of the richest people in America, they are the most miserable individuals I’ve ever seen (America Quotes)
I don’t think there is another person in America that wants to tell this story as much as I do (America Quotes)
And I’m asking for your support because I want to defend America, as I’ve said before, from becoming a socialist nation (America Quotes)
I don’t think America knows what a gay parent looks like. I am the gay parent. America has watched me parent my children on TV for six years. They know what kind of parent I am (America Quotes)
The Queen Mary was the most civilized and luxurious way one could travel to America in the late 1930s (America Quotes)
The mecca of filmmaking in the world just so happens to be in America. It’s quite simply a case of us just going where the work is (America Quotes)
America wasn’t founded so that we could all be better. America was founded so we could all be anything we damned well pleased (America Quotes)
Where we come from in America no longer signifies. It’s where we go, and what we do when we get there, that tells us who we are (America Quotes)
America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings (America Quotes)
Americans... still believe in an America where anything’s possible - they just don’t think their leaders do (America Quotes)
In America, there’s a failure to appreciate Europe’s leading role in the world (America Quotes)
So while I will never minimize the costs involved in military action, I am convinced that a failure to act in Libya would have carried a far greater price for America (America Quotes)
Leaving America is like losing twenty pounds and finding a new girlfriend (America Quotes)
The fortunes of the entire world may well ride on the ability of young Americans to face the responsibilities of an old America gone mad (America Quotes)
That should be our test regarding immigrants. Those who come to America to tear it down or live off of others should not be welcomed (America Quotes)
I think that America in general is piratical. Every time we accept a paycheck for doing almost nothing, allowing us to live above the poverty line, we’re engaging in piracy (America Quotes)