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America Quotes

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Growing up and living in England, I’m surrounded by grey skies and sarcasm, so when I came to America, my first impressions were bright, hopeful, cheerful  (America Quotes) In America, the colors sing, they don’t just glower at you. The West Coast especially is fantastic. It seems like you can do whatever you want here  (America Quotes) I’m very happy that being gay and married and having kids has become such an accepted piece of the fabric of America  (America Quotes) That’s what a DJ is at the end of the day - someone who leads where the music goes. The only thing that’s changed is that in America, people have woken up in the last few years and realized it  (America Quotes) I think whether dance music had exploded in America, I still would’ve been a DJ a long time. This is my first love  (America Quotes) In a country like America there are places, many states here still where coming out means you lose your job, where coming out means division, where it means potentially abuse  (America Quotes) Even back in its colonial days, America developed a reputation as a safe harbor for people with unusual or radical religious beliefs  (America Quotes) The Russians did much bigger space launch vehicles for launching satellites and for getting men in orbit. They did that much sooner than America because America was very good at something else  (America Quotes) I’m nervous about the prospects of an America that refuses to abide by its best conscience and its best lights and its best angels  (America Quotes) Am I right in saying that the locust of this problem is simply that judges in America are half political animals and half oracular demigods  (America Quotes) Don’t let anyone tell you that great things can’t happen in America... Barriers can come down. Justice and equality can win  (America Quotes) It’s a sad day in America when foreign governments with deep pockets have more influence in our own country than our great citizens  (America Quotes) Tonight, we can say with pride that, in America, there is no barrier too great and no ceiling too high to break  (America Quotes) When I began teaching you hardly could find a university in America or a college where they would teach either Jewish studies or Holocaust studies  (America Quotes) This American government has become very adept at attaching labels to people who defend themselves, so that the general population in America will condone their behavior  (America Quotes) I think our trade policies, for many, many years, have been a disaster. They have benefited corporate America at the expense of working people  (America Quotes) Be prepared to organize nonviolent workshops - a teach-in around what is happening in America today. Organize your teachers and schoolmates, and be prepared to engage in some action  (America Quotes) I truly believe that one day we will get there, we will arrive. And if we do it right in America, maybe, just maybe, we can serve as a model for the rest of the world  (America Quotes) Neither Bernie Sanders, Hillary [Clinton], nor [Donald] Trump can stop the Wrath of God that is coming down on America  (America Quotes) You’ll never make America great again, [Donald] Trump, but you can extend her time  (America Quotes) You’ve got to take responsibility for the hell that you’ve been giving to our people not only in America, but in Haiti and the Caribbean, and now in Africa. [Hillary] Clinton, your hand is blood  (America Quotes) If you are the normal white American, truth is you don’t understand being black in America, and you instinctively underestimate the level of discrimination and the level of additional risk  (America Quotes) America now has more and better dancers than they have ever had in the history of the country, but that won’t account for the public wants to see  (America Quotes) I hope America does not accept the kind of language that Donald Trump is using to describe our fellow Americans  (America Quotes) Every political contest is hard, that’s part of the DNA in America. We make it really tough to run for and hold the highest and hardest job in our country  (America Quotes) A 1999 report by a bipartisan federal panel on gambling concluded the United States should put a hold on further casinos until it is clear what the impact is on America  (America Quotes) I think even in today’s America, there’s a sense that there’s something vaguely sexy about cigarettes  (America Quotes) Owning a gun in America is one way for conservative white males to demonstrate their anger at crime, liberalism, feminism, and modernity  (America Quotes) How can you tell somebody who is pursuing happiness that they’re somehow not American when that was the very first promise that America made  (America Quotes) Some Russian ballet master woman said there’s no culture in America, but if you look you can find interesting stuff in this country, don’t you think  (America Quotes)
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