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America Quotes

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This November, with the re-election of President Barack Obama, this generation of Americans will ever expand upon the hope, the truth and the promise of America.  (America Quotes) If an American company has a drop of patriotic blood coursing through its system, then surely it would set up in America and employ Americans, right?  (America Quotes) Our enemy is not Islam. Islam is not the enemy of America; Americans are not the enemy of Islam. Our real enemy is extremism and radicalism.  (America Quotes) It is one of history’s great tragedies that American conservatism, born in part in resistance to Soviet torture, should end by endorsing it in America, by Americans.  (America Quotes) Canada and America are very, very different. It’s true that we share a language and many customs. But Americans have a very different view of the world.  (America Quotes) What matters most to me is doing what I was elected to do: help make life better for Oregonians and making America work for working Americans again.  (America Quotes) The people of America need personal responsibility and freedom, not dependency on the government  (America Quotes) America believes in freedom. The English don’t believe in it. They don’t believe in happiness.  (America Quotes) You have to make your own decisions. That’s what the freedom in America is all about.  (America Quotes) I am totally committed to maintaining the freedom and equality America has to provide to every citizen.  (America Quotes) America stands for freedom, liberty and justice for all. And it’s not happening for all right now.  (America Quotes) The freedom of America is the freedom to live your own life and take your own chances  (America Quotes) The spirit of America is all about defiance, and the best music like mine is the freedom soundtrack.  (America Quotes) There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure.  (America Quotes) I can remember when Democrats believed that it was the duty of America to fight for freedom over tyranny.  (America Quotes) After September 11th, freedom of speech in America has become a topic that’s touchier than a Vatican summer camp.  (America Quotes) What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom ‘to’ and freedom ‘from.’  (America Quotes) In America it’s live by the sword of freedom of expression and be will to die by it as well  (America Quotes) If a jerk burns the flag, America is not threatened, democracy is not under siege, freedom is not at risk.  (America Quotes) Patrick Henry did not say, ‘Give me absolutely safety or give me death.’ America is supposed to be about freedom.  (America Quotes) America is the one that leads the effort to make sure the freedom of navigation in the South China Sea is protected.  (America Quotes) I cannot reconcile monitoring certain people for no reason other than their religion with the freedom of religion we have here in America.  (America Quotes) That’s what’s great about America: that our freedom of religion allows me to interpret the Bible exactly how it fits my worldview already.  (America Quotes) In 1960, when I came out of prison as an ex-convict, I had more freedom under parolee supervision than there’s available... in America right now.  (America Quotes) It is the people who scream the loudest about America and Freedom who see to be the most intolerant for a differing point of view.  (America Quotes) America must remain freedom’s staunchest friend, for freedom is our best ally and it is the world’s only hope to conquer poverty and preserve peace.  (America Quotes) America takes credit for giving you freedom that you had anyway. It’s like going to a wedding and putting your tag on somebody elses box.  (America Quotes) I’m not against speaking publicly and having passion for something. One of the cardinal beauties of America is that we have the freedom to do so.  (America Quotes) America was targeted for attack because we’re the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world, and no one will keep that light from shining.  (America Quotes) America was founded by religious people, devout people who came here because they wanted freedom of religion. It’s what made America different from every other country.  (America Quotes)
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