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America Quotes

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America was magnificently characterized in November of 2008 when we elected, for the first time, an African-American President of the United States.  (America Quotes) President Obama has done more damage to America than any American has since 1776  (America Quotes) President Obama has created the image of an America under President Bush that routinely violated international law.  (America Quotes) Unlike President Obama, President Nixon was a capitalist who did not believe in ‘remaking’ the very character of America.  (America Quotes) Successive American presidents have turned a blind eye to piles of evidence that Saudi money is being used to foment holy war against America.  (America Quotes) I’ve worked with five Presidents in America, all of them I ask the same question always: Why didn’t the American allies bomb the railways going to Auschwitz?  (America Quotes) Donald Trump let the American public into every aspect of what it meant to be successful in America.  (America Quotes) I feel that we have some opportunity in North America to go back and say the American Revolution was the real thing.  (America Quotes) Not only the financial power, but also the legal power, has remained seated in Britain. The Washington Post commented on June 18, 1983 that after the American Revolution, all the old laws remained in effect in the new United States: Some of these laws of English common law dated back to 1278, long before America was discovered.  (America Quotes) America has a strategic interest in continuing to welcome international students at our colleges, universities, and high schools. Attracting the world’s top scientific scholars helps to keep our economy competitive.  (America Quotes) The challenge for Muslims in America is to respect the fears of ordinary people while resisting the exploitation of those fears by political parties, lobbies and sectors of the media. To meet this challenge, Muslims must reassess their own involvement, behavior and contributions in American society.  (America Quotes) I’ve always liked American actors particularly. Because that was my first impression. I was very enamoured of America when I was a kid because we were surrounded by American soldiers during the war, the accent was very strange to me, it was very exotic and very captivating.  (America Quotes) You know that American dream and American spirit of innovation we always talk about? Turns out, the bulk of it was built by people who came to America from somewhere else, not people born American. We have no birthright or natural lock on these things.  (America Quotes) There’s an unhealthy obsession in America with royalty and the class system  (America Quotes) I’ve always been interested in photographing traditions and customs - especially in America. The prom is an American tradition, a rite of passage that has always been one of the most important rituals of American youth. It is a day in our lives that we never forget - a day full of hopes and dreams for our future.  (America Quotes) America, the great liberator, is in desperate need of being liberated from itself -- from its own excesses and arrogance. And the world needs to be liberated from American values and culture, spreading across the planet as if by divine providence.  (America Quotes) Most of black America is in housing projects, without jobs, living on welfare. And this is not the case in ‘The Cosby Show,’ because all the values in that household are strictly what I would call white American values.  (America Quotes) For much of America, the all-American values depicted in Norman Rockwell’s classic illustrations are idealistic. For those of us from Vermont, they’re realistic. That’s what we do.  (America Quotes) From chain gangs to folk songs to intelligent soul, America has created musicians dedicated to truth, justice, and a better American Way.  (America Quotes) If Mr. Trump wants to work with us to make sure that trade works for the American worker, not just CEOs of corporate America, you have got a partner, partner.  (America Quotes) We can get America moving again, put on top of that the kind of trade deals that’ll put the American worker first, and you’ve got a prescription for real growth.  (America Quotes) It’s a privilege to work as an anchor for Univision, but more important, I am amazed by how Latinos are transforming America.  (America Quotes) I would be the last person who would say immigrants are not important to America  (America Quotes) Every country is like a particular type of person. America is like a belligerent, adolescent boy; Canada is like an intelligent, 35-year-old woman. Australia is like Jack Nicholson. It comes right up to you and laughs very hard in your face in a highly threatening and engaging manner.  (America Quotes) My introduction to track racing was through the background of cross country running, which is not a sport perhaps as popular in America as it is in England.  (America Quotes) If the people of the United States come to Iran and see its ancient history and nature of Iran, and the people of Iran go to the United States to see America, this can shorten the walls of mistrust and improve the situation for the future.  (America Quotes) In the more recently disclosed field of history in the ancient Near East, however, there has been no such sense of responsibility displayed by historians either in Europe or America.  (America Quotes) There is, of course, only one chosen nation. But Abraham Lincoln would call America ‘an almost chosen nation’ because he believed that America had a providential role to play in history, inspired by the example of God’s ancient covenant people.  (America Quotes) Guy Peellaert was to Europe what Andy Warhol was to America - except Guy had more talent!  (America Quotes) It’s the movies that have really been running things in America ever since they were invented. They show you what to do, how to do it, when to do it, how to feel about it, and how to look how you feel about it.Andy Warhol  (America Quotes)
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