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America Quotes

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The magic kit we developed with Idea Village is an extraordinary success in 40,000 stores across America. The TV commercial we shot for it has produced amazing results - unbelievable.  (America Quotes) I’m nervous about the prospects of an America that refuses to abide by its best conscience and its best lights and its best angels.  (America Quotes) In Israel, waves of anger and fear circulate all the time, but so do jokes and gossip and silky evening breezes. So, too, in America.  (America Quotes) I’ve faced the grief, I’ve faced the anger, and I’m ready to keep up the fight because America is worth fighting for.  (America Quotes) If the union between England and America is a powerful factor in the cause of peace, a new Triple Alliance between the Teutonic race and the two branches of the Anglo-Saxon race will be a still more potent influence in the future of the world.  (America Quotes) White folks, no matter how well-meaning or open-minded, have no true idea what it’s like to be black in America. That’s not a slam against white people or an accusation of latent bigotry. But the fact is that we all live in an Anglo-dominated society.  (America Quotes) If the world were a bar, America would currently be the angry drunk waving around a loaded gun. Yeah, the other people in the bar may be afraid of him, but they sure as hell don’t respect him.  (America Quotes) I think Kennedy being assassinated changed the world. That shot changed everything about America, and made us cynical, made people discontent and angry.  (America Quotes) The British vice is overthinking before we speak, which is really annoying. I love the way that, in America, people are more straightforward.  (America Quotes) Some people come up to me and say You know, in Italy, it’s pronounced Ber-beel-lia And I say Well, here in America, you’re annoying...  (America Quotes) There is no right to a job or a wage rate, but there is a right to move from one country to another in search of a better life. This is the point of view of Thomas Jefferson, John Locke and other great supporters of the natural rights tradition in America.  (America Quotes) Instead of locking people up and throwing away the key, it’s important to invest in them and show them another way - show them what they can do, instead of telling them what they can’t do. Because by investing in youth, we’re investing into the future of this great nation of the United States of America.  (America Quotes) Politics remained archaically unchanged in 1999. America was economically strong but morally complacent. It was a year of evil in many ways - another great year for cartooning.  (America Quotes) Judging by their positions at the time, rather than their post hoc allegations, Democrats adored the Soviet Union. Congressional Democrats repeatedly opposed funding anti-Communist rebels, they opposed Reagan’s military build-up, they opposed building a shield to protect America from incoming missiles, they opposed putting missiles in Europe. As a rule, Democrats opposed anything opposed by their cherished Soviet Union.  (America Quotes) There is a new conservative establishment in America, made up of those who claim to be the anti-establishment.  (America Quotes) Islam is one of the fastest-growing faiths within America, and America needs to show that we’re not anti-Islam. We are for, for people being free and having opportunity everywhere, that... We did that in Bosnia, we did that in Kosovo, we did that in numerous other places in the world.  (America Quotes) In Britain, it’s bred into you, the idea that you can’t really change anything, so why bother. When I went to school in America, it was the total opposite view - you, as an individual, can change anything and everything. It’s how you’re raised.  (America Quotes) Do you know anything that in all its innocence is more humiliating than the funny pages of a Sunday newspaper in America?  (America Quotes) You know what America is-they’re all like spoiled children. Anything goes, isn’t that what they say?  (America Quotes) In the America I see from here, anything is possible - especially the impossible  (America Quotes) My grandmother tended to divide life into ‘nice’ and ‘not so nice.’ Life in America, her apartment, her grandchildren: ‘nice’ life before 1915: ‘not so nice.’ That’s all I heard.  (America Quotes) America is a country obsessed with appearance. It’s a country obsessed with looks.  (America Quotes) I truly appreciate the special qualities that America and American national myths offer me  (America Quotes) When they say America is the land of opportunity, it’s true. If you work hard, people appreciate you.  (America Quotes) I didn’t appreciate, coming out of corporate America... what it meant to a founder, the creator of the Macintosh, to be asked to step down from the very division that he created to lead the very product that he believed was going to change the world.  (America Quotes) Teachers have the hardest and most important jobs in America. They’re building our nation. And we should appreciate them, respect them, and pay them well.  (America Quotes) During the Cold War, America took sides not only in disputes between Arab countries, but also in debates within them.  (America Quotes) There is no confidence in the Arab world today in the United States of America  (America Quotes) I think in America there’s this free flow between fashion, art, architecture, music and design. In Europe, it’s more segregated between those different disciplines, I think.  (America Quotes) I hope that America as a whole, and especially its architects, will become more seriously involved in producing a new architectural culture that would bring the nation to the apex - where it has stood before - and lead the world.  (America Quotes)
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