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America Quotes

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Arizona may be the only state in America where mothers don’t tell their children that someday they can grow up and be president.  (America Quotes) One day, we’ll have 10, 20 or 50 Jaleos around America or around the world  (America Quotes) With ‘Arrested Development,’ we tried showing the deep disdain that connects a family. We wanted to hold up a mirror to American society. And, just as predicted, America looked away.  (America Quotes) In Russia, writers with serious grievances are arrested, while in America they are merely featured on television talk shows, where all that is arrested is their development.  (America Quotes) There are more pompous, arrogant, self-centered, mediocre-type people running corporate America who should be sent out on some postal route delivering mail.  (America Quotes) The reason people hate America is because they don’t like being treated like garbage by arrogant, pompous, hypocritical, self-righteous, duplicitous, imperialist political and bureaucratic hacks.  (America Quotes) I think a lot of America turned to art and culture after Sept. 11. I know the sales of bibles went shooting up, but so did the sales of poetry. I think in a crisis one looks to one’s culture, partially to give validation to why one would want that culture to survive.  (America Quotes) From afar, I have cried watching my nation, sore with prejudice, slowly heal itself. I hurt along with America, my phantom pains only alleviated by work I do every day - art.  (America Quotes) We have to start processing what we’re really made of in America. American character is not dead. American integrity and honesty are not dead. When we’re backed up against the wall against the largest corporations in the history of corporations, it’s there.  (America Quotes) Growing up as an Asian American in this society, there were a lot of times where you feel isolated or out of place as an Asian. And growing up in White America, that’s absolutely my experience. And I think that’s why I got into acting because I wanted to be anybody else but Asian.  (America Quotes) When America stopped importing from China, China stopped importing from the rest of the world. This affects Asian countries as well as Australia, Brazil, and other suppliers of raw materials.  (America Quotes) Millions of people are asking for accountability, for responsibility, for truth from their elected officials, truth about how Obamacare is failing the men and women of America.  (America Quotes) In America, they never make anything without first having a market survey to ask the public what they want. People only ask for things they already know about, so you don’t get anything new that way. That’s why American fashion is stuck.  (America Quotes) My goal is to try to tell the public that America could use more science and technology in all aspects of its life.  (America Quotes) I think that our future has lost that capital F we used to spell it with. The science fiction future of my childhood has had a capital F - it was assumed to be an American Future because America was the future. The Future was assumed to be inherently heroic, and a lot of other things, as well.  (America Quotes) They have no allegiance to Atlantic City whatsoever, other than nostalgia, and that doesn’t pay the bills, ... The Miss America pageant has to do what it thinks best serves its interests, and if moving out of Atlantic City does, that’s what it should do.  (America Quotes) The attention deficit disorder of the culture is very distressing in America now and I think it puts a lot of things at risk, not just poetry.  (America Quotes) I’ve always had the sensation that people in America are always avant-garde. Very attentive to all the new innovations. But it’s very specialized.  (America Quotes) America is the one rich country with the biggest slums, the least democratic and least developed health system, and the most niggardly attitude against its old people.  (America Quotes) America needs to understand Islam, because this is the one religion that erases from its society the race problem. Throughout my travels in the Muslim world, I have met, talked to, even eaten with people who in America would have been considered ‘white,’ but the ‘white’ attitude had been removed from their minds by the religion of Islam.  (America Quotes) I trained as a journalist in America where paying sources is frowned upon. Now I work in the U.K. where there is a more flexible attitude.  (America Quotes) The auto industry is standing today. The middle class is standing today. Ohio is standing today. America is standing strong today.  (America Quotes) The hundreds of thousands of men and women at Toyota operations worldwide - including the 172,000 team members and dealers in North America - are among the best in the auto industry.  (America Quotes) I really do believe that America has this weight problem - obesity issues - and we have all these diseases that we get - heart disease, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases - that are primarily lifestyle diseases.  (America Quotes) In 1989, I was awarded the Von Neumann Prize in Operations Research Theory by the Operations Research Society of America and The Institute of Management Sciences. They cited my works in the areas of portfolio theory, sparse matrix techniques and the SIMSCRIPT programming language.  (America Quotes) When I think of my work, I’m aware that I’m American and African at all points and times. And without a doubt, my experience and understanding of America was shaped by having immigrant parents.  (America Quotes) I’ve been privileged to see the presidency up close. And I know the awesome responsibility of protecting America and the incredible opportunity of working to try to make life better for all of you.  (America Quotes) Mexico is the front door to South America - and the back door to the states...  (America Quotes) I was born in London in 1919. I first went to America in 1946 for a three-month holiday. Then I came back, worked here for almost a year sold up my home and went back on immigration in 1947.  (America Quotes) We need for America to get back to basics and focus on the middle class’s quality of life. Healthcare reform is vital to restoring that standard of living.  (America Quotes)
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