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America Quotes

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Baseball has done more to move America in the right direction than all of the professional patriots with all their cheap words.  (America Quotes) These old ballparks are like cathedrals in America. We don’t have big old Gothic cathedrals like they do in Europe. But we got baseball parks.  (America Quotes) If I had admitted my guilt, it would have been the same as putting my head on the chopping block - lifetime ban. Death penalty. I spent my entire life on the baseball fields of America, and I was not going to give up my profession without first seeing some hard evidence ... right or wrong, the punishment didn’t fit the crime, so I denied the crime.  (America Quotes) I sang the National Anthem at Dodger Stadium - at a baseball game - which was crazy; there was, like, 60,000 people there, which is a huge deal in America - singing the National Anthem.  (America Quotes) Baseball grew rapidly in favor; the field was ripe. America needed a live outdoor sport, and this game exactly suited the national temperament. It required all the manly qualities of activity, endurance, pluck, and skill peculiar to cricket, and was immeasurably superior to that game in exciting features.  (America Quotes) Families are struggling to put bread on the table, send their kids to college and take care of their basic needs. America needs a political revolution.  (America Quotes) Religion mustn’t interfere with the state - so one of the basic Democratic principles as we know it in America is the separation of church and state.  (America Quotes) When I think about my relationship with America, I feel like a battered wife: Yeah, he knocks me around a lot, but boy, he sure can dance.  (America Quotes) Martin Luther King was a misguided leader. He worked to be recognized as the leader of black America when what black America needs isn’t a leader, it is education.  (America Quotes) There will be no funeral! Before I get too old and ill, I’ll go to South America and live among the Pemon people and meditate. When the time is right, they can throw my body into the volcano.  (America Quotes) I am ready to die out of nature, and be born again into this new yet unapproachable America I have found in the West.  (America Quotes) If you’re honest with yourself, you’re going to find out whether you truly love America, or whether your primary allegiance is to the Republican party.  (America Quotes) On an emotional level, success in America would be terrible for me; it would be insane. I really, seriously, never want to be famous here.  (America Quotes) Your life can be different, Young Ju. Study and be strong. In America, women have choices.  (America Quotes) I’m angry at what’s happening to America and angry with myself that I can’t do more. I would be miserable if I couldn’t bear witness.  (America Quotes) I know that most domesticated animals aren’t indigenous to this country. So guess what, cat? You can beat it. Go back to Catalina Island or Catalonia, Spain, or Katmandu, or wherever the hell your hairy ass is from! ‘Cause this is America and around here - Katmandon’t.  (America Quotes) There are so many things to be lucky for. Lucky to be healthy, lucky to be, like, beautiful. Lucky to be living in America.  (America Quotes) My ex-husband is very involved in raising our beautiful children. We’re very lucky because we both grew up in working families in middle America. We’re on the same page that way.  (America Quotes) So my character on ‘Tyrant’ is a chap called Barry Al Fayeed, and he is the second son of a fictional Middle Eastern dictator. But, he has grown up since he was young in America. He’s trained as a doctor. He’s married a beautiful American girl, had two kids, so he’s very much an American.  (America Quotes) Chicago is great! It’s like the heart of America. It’s the center and it’s a beautiful city.  (America Quotes) We are truly the land of the great. From the rock shores of... Hawaii... to the beautiful sandy beaches of... Hawaii... America is our home.  (America Quotes) She was green when green wasn’t in. From sea to shining sea, Lady Bird Johnson has left her legacy in a more beautiful America. From millions of trees and wildflowers planted, to interstates free from billboards and replaced with green.  (America Quotes) Every spring, this country will be reminded of the Lady from Texas. As trees bloom and flowers carpet our nation’s capital, Lady Bird Johnson will be remembered. Only Lady Bird Johnson could, with her vision of a beautiful America, lay claim to spring as her memorial.  (America Quotes) We are against the beauty and fashion fascist regime that gets hyped in America and all over the world. The Beautiful People is NOT against people who style themselves in whichever way.  (America Quotes) I have always felt my role was to do anything I could to enable the powerless to speak. I want America to hear these voices because they are beautiful voices.  (America Quotes) In the South America of the forties and fifties, everyone was into beauty and glamour and fashion  (America Quotes) They always say the Miss America Pageant isn’t a beauty contest, it’s really a scholarship program. If that’s the case, why don’t we just put all the contestants on Jeopardy! and pick Miss America that way? At least you get the smartest one.  (America Quotes) I’m giving life lessons and tips on how to take care of your emotional heart, because heart disease is the number-one killer in America.  (America Quotes) America has become the most unequal society among advanced countries, and rich people are now free to spend as much money on political campaigns as they wish.  (America Quotes) An economically confident America has - since becoming a world power at the start of the 20th century - tended toward global engagement. It is during times of economic stress (1930s, 1970s) that America has become more withdrawn.  (America Quotes)
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