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America Quotes

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I belong in America more than South Africa. I can’t remember the feeling of living there anymore. It’s like it was in another life. That’s sad in a way. It is my country. It’s where I grew up. You don’t know what it’s like to have these negative feelings about your homeland. There are roots you can’t escape.  (America Quotes) Jurassic Park’ doesn’t belong to America; it belongs to the whole world  (America Quotes) You have won the Cold War. ... [Your] underappreciated valor [helped] topple the Berlin Wall, and bring down dictators the world over. ... For the past four decades the world behind the Iron Curtain ... looked to Americans for hope, and America looked to you to get the job done. Today, the free world says thank you.  (America Quotes) Future historians trying to determine what it was like to be alive in fin de millennium America should read the last two decades of O. Henry and Best American short-story collections.  (America Quotes) You would hope that the supposed best of American educational institutions would teach its students about America as an institution.  (America Quotes) Making art in America is sort of a political statement in and of itself. It’s not the best environment for that sometimes.  (America Quotes) The Russo brothers are the best people ever, and they cast me in ‘Happy Endings.’ I did text Joe Russo to say, ‘I don’t think my character dies, so if you need a local news cameraman to show up in ‘Captain America 2’... I know it doesn’t make sense, but just hear me out on this!’ He was really cool about it and turned me down right away.  (America Quotes) We need comprehensive reform that will make America the best place in the world to invest and do business.  (America Quotes) Clothes make the poor invisible. America has the best-dressed poverty the world has ever known.  (America Quotes) I’m honored and excited to be chosen to lead MLSE, a world-class sports and entertainment organization with the major league teams, premier facilities and employee team that rank with the very best across North America and internationally.  (America Quotes) At least in America, the narrative is I’m a Cannes favorite. But, in fact, I’ve had my best experience in Venice, both with the audience and the jury.  (America Quotes) In America, diner food or roadside barbecue is the best road food, but I am not a fan of eating while driving - too messy.  (America Quotes) I think Philly is arguably the best sports town - football town - in America  (America Quotes) A key to the mentality of the left is that it judges itself by its best intentions, and judges its opponents - America chief among them - by their worst deeds.  (America Quotes) We will reform legal immigration to serve the best interests of America and its workers, the forgotten people. Workers. We’re going to take care of our workers.  (America Quotes) Both sides of the political spectrum must one day realize that limitless government intrusion in the economy, in our personal lives, and in the affairs of other nations cannot serve the best interests of America.  (America Quotes) One of the best kept secrets in America is that people are aching to make a commitment, if they only had the freedom and environment in which to do so.  (America Quotes) When we are trying to come up with new health laws, you bring doctors, you bring experts in medicine. In urban planning, you bring the best architects. How it is possible that when we are talking about the way we are going to feed America, no chef shows up in the room?  (America Quotes) America and Canada are the best friends. We’ve always been the best friends.  (America Quotes) Even under the best of circumstances - in twenty-first century America at least - caring for elderly parents ain’t no place for sissies.  (America Quotes) I don’t think there’s anybody in America who thinks my personality is best suited to being Number Two.  (America Quotes) We’ve always had a tradition in America of hounding our artists to death. Look at the list of our great artists, you see a continual history of defeat, frustration, poverty, alcoholism, drug addiction. The best poets of my generation are all suicides.  (America Quotes) There cannot be any better cross-section of America and I think the soldiers represent the best we have. Today’s soldiers are brighter and smarter, perhaps in a different way, than past generations because they’ve been brought up in the computer and information age.  (America Quotes) To accept your country without betraying it, you must love it for that which shows what it might become. America -- this monument to the genius of ordinary men and women, this place where hope becomes capacity, this long, halting turn of ‘no’ into the ‘yes’ -- needs citizens who love it enough to re-imagine and re-make it.  (America Quotes) The former colonies, in Latin America in particular, have a better chance than ever before to overcome centuries of subjugation, violence and foreign intervention, which they have so far survived as dependencies with islands of luxury in a sea of misery.  (America Quotes) America is the land of the second chance - and when the gates of the prison open, the path ahead should lead to a better life.  (America Quotes) Australia is very good friends with China, perhaps better friends than America is  (America Quotes) Together, we’ll build a far better future for America -- a future of growth, opportunity, and security, anchored by the values of a people who are confident, compassionate, and whose heart is good.  (America Quotes) Quite frankly, we wouldn’t have the problems that we have in America right now if somebody did a better job - if our politicians did a better job standing up for our country.  (America Quotes) Every president, Democratic or Republican, simply works on the supposition that it’s better to keep jobs in America than let them go to Mexico.  (America Quotes)
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