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America Quotes

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The promise of America has always been that if you worked hard, had the right values, took some risks, that there was an opportunity to build a better life for your family and for your next generation.  (America Quotes) My daddy thought - no, he expected - that my brothers and I and our generation would make the world a better place. He was correct in his belief because he had lived in an America of continual social progress, depression followed by prosperity, segregation by integration, and so on.  (America Quotes) The quality of life of European cities and towns of almost any size make life in America look not just like a joke, but a sick joke, a horror movie. But I’d rather stay involved and do what I can to make this a better place than move to the south of France and enjoy the good life.  (America Quotes) The venerable Robert E. Lee has taken some vicious hits, as dishonest or misinformed advocates among political interest groups and in academia attempt to twist yesterday’s America into a fantasy that might better service the political issues of today.  (America Quotes) I really think that’s the key, part of the spiritual renewal that America needs to have, the notion that we really can have confidence in a better tomorrow.  (America Quotes) Forty-two years ago, I came to America from communist Cuba so I might have a better way of life, a freer way of life - a more democratic way of life. I wanted to live the American Dream where if you worked hard and put your mind to the task, anything was possible.  (America Quotes) I don’t mind America becoming a Third World country. The weather is better in the Third World than it is where I live in New Hampshire. And household help will be much cheaper.  (America Quotes) Corporate America was hurling offers at her. Thinking even bigger, wanting even more, she had dreams of starting a Martha Stewart magazine and starring in her own regularly scheduled Martha Stewart television show. Martha saw herself as Betty Crocker, Julia Child, Miss Manners, Emily Post, and Rupert Murdoch all rolled into one juicy pie.  (America Quotes) I live in Beverly Hills and I’m proud of it. The only things I miss are pie and mash shops and football games. I’ve lived in America longer than I lived in England. When I first got here, it just felt right to me. I like the open space, and the weather’s great.  (America Quotes) The battle going on over gay marriage in America reveals an awful lot. The Bible belt - people hate gay people. Because the Bible tells them? No, the Bible tells them an awful lot of things that they ignore.  (America Quotes) The collusion of big business, big labor, and big government threaten the spirit of small business that makes America great.  (America Quotes) One of my worries about America is the epidemic of depression we’ve been in. One of the possibilities about that is that the ‘I’ gets bigger and bigger, and the ‘we’ gets smaller and smaller.  (America Quotes) I love to get to the underbelly of why people are up in arms about anything. Really, what I see is a big shadow in the West, in America especially, and everyone’s afraid of looking stupid. But the truth is, I’m a genius and I’m stupid at the same time.  (America Quotes) I’m a big comic book person. I love Captain America. I like John Henry. I’m hoping to play one of the superhero characters that’s coming from Marvel.  (America Quotes) I’m quite happy trekking around Greenland on my own, but those big book tours in America or the Far East are the only time I ever really feel lonely.  (America Quotes) The sad fact is that today most of the heads of big businesses in America have become so confused or intimidated that, so far from carrying the free market to argument to the enemy, they fail to defend themselves adequately even when attacked.  (America Quotes) Vegas represents the idea of America I had as a kid. The big cars, the pretty girls; everything is possible in Vegas.  (America Quotes) I thought the Made in America men’s wear push was a big revolution in terms of smaller companies taking charge, but it seems like it’s gotten out of control.  (America Quotes) There’s a big difference in a representative republic and a democracy. We do not have a democracy in America.  (America Quotes) This is a very pivotal time in America and I think families are still reeling from events depicted in that movie [The Big Short ].  (America Quotes) I think, with Obama and the progressives, you’ve seen a massive expansion of big government, and it’s all based on a moral premise. The moral premise is that wealth is theft. And I don’t just mean the wealth of America, I mean, your wealth, my wealth.  (America Quotes) In America, we have a government that some people believe is too big and overbearing, yet, when it comes to guns, we might as well have no government at all.  (America Quotes) To be sure, the Fair Tax is a big idea. However, I believe America was built on big ideas, and I was elected to Congress to fight for those big ideas, not nibble around the edges of a broken and destructive system. The FairTax would be a real stimulus for economic growth, and it wouldn’t cost taxpayers a dime.  (America Quotes) In America, people with lots of money can easily avoid the consequences of bad bets and big losses by cashing out at the first sign of trouble.  (America Quotes) The first time someone tried to share the Gospel with me, I naively explained that I was Jewish and born in Israel, thank you... This was a big mistake. In certain parts of Christian America, admitting I was an Israeli-born Jew turned me into walking catnip.  (America Quotes) America Ferrera is definitely one of my biggest role models, and she has been for the last three years. Like a big sister, someone I can look up to and aspire to be.  (America Quotes) The biggest difference as far as Muslims in Europe and America are concerned is that the number of Muslims in America is small compared to the number in Europe.  (America Quotes) Giving people equal access to enjoying the benefits of America is the biggest problem that we’re not making any progress in resolving.  (America Quotes) Bill Gates wants people to think he’s Edison, when he’s really Rockefeller. Referring to Gates as the smartest man in America isn’t right... wealth isn’t the same thing as intelligence.  (America Quotes) I have not visited America as of now. However, I would love to come to the United States, for two reasons. Firstly, I would like to pay a visit to Disneyland. Secondly, I would like to meet Bill Gates.  (America Quotes)
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