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America Quotes

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There are 316 million people in the United States of America. About six million of them watch ‘Homeland,’ Showtime’s thriller about world terror, paranoia, and bipolar disorder. That’s about 2 percent of the population; roughly what the guy with the beard running on the Libertarian Party ticket gets when he runs for Congress.  (America Quotes) I can recognize the calls of practically every bird in North America. There are some in Africa I don’t know, though.  (America Quotes) Make no mistake about it. These are not ‘kookie’ birds. Right now the greatest player, the big tent on the political scene in America, is called the Tea Party movement.  (America Quotes) And people in America are very practical people across the political spectrum. Very conservative women want their kids, their daughters taking birth control.  (America Quotes) Tennis legend Bjorn Borg appeared in a Swedish TV ad urging Swedes to have more sex to solve the country’s falling birth rate. America can help. This is a perfect opportunity to name Jesse Jackson ambassador to Sweden.  (America Quotes) I think that Malcolm X was the most remarkable historical figure produced by Black America in the 20th century.  (America Quotes) The Black church is extremely important in Black America. I think most Americans themselves believe in a divine power, in a God, and I’m sure that that number increases with Black people.  (America Quotes) Just as important I believe, is Black America can look back at the show and say, Wow, I think I now understand why a lot of white people were appalled at the acquittal of O.J. Simpson.  (America Quotes) Black America surely faces an existential crisis, but not the one imagined in the condescending news media - of somehow getting non-black America to be more just and generous. The truth is, we’ve already been through that, and there is nothing left to do. We’re out of ‘affirmative actions’ of all kinds.  (America Quotes) I am so used to having two faces. A face that I had for black America and a face for white America. When Obama became president, I lost both faces. Now I only have one face.  (America Quotes) I try to speak my points of view about black America, and how I feel about black men and the role that black men should play in their lives with their children and in their lives with their women.  (America Quotes) Martin Luther King was a misguided leader. He worked to be recognized as the leader of black America, when what black America needs isn’t a leader - it is education. Giving speeches and marching - that’s not the concept that brings about real freedom, equality and justice.  (America Quotes) Rosewood is what Americans did to Americans. We have to hold the mirror up... and look at ourselves. Sometimes that’s an ugly sight. And sometimes you have to go through that pain - both black America and white America - so we can finally find some racial harmony.  (America Quotes) There are huge divorces and divides and chasms in black America between the have-gots and the have-nots, between the monied and the poor, between the educated and the non-educated. And there are huge and growing chasms daily. And I want to say that it’s not simply about generation. It’s about genre.  (America Quotes) Black-on-black crime is a massive human rights issue that’s going on in America  (America Quotes) The Government is responsible for what is happening to black people in America  (America Quotes) Electing a black president was probably the only coup America could pull off  (America Quotes) I don’t feel that America has a black dude right now. I’m that dude.  (America Quotes) In black America mother love is second only to the love of God but just slightly  (America Quotes) There’s a million white people better qualified than a black man to be president of America  (America Quotes) There ought to be a robust, uninhibited conversation in black America with different black ideological perspectives.  (America Quotes) What would America be like if we loved black people as much as we loved black culture?  (America Quotes) Young black men in America have an identity ascribed to them that is a direct legacy of slavery  (America Quotes) The danger to a black child in America is not a white police officer. The danger is another black.  (America Quotes) Welcome to America, where racism will never end, white don’t respect black, where black skin people are treated like criminals.  (America Quotes) I don’t see no black and white couples in England or America walking around proud holding their children and going out.  (America Quotes) As a young, Black man in America, I look out and (realize) that our community is the most affected by HIV.  (America Quotes) Where else but in America can a poor black man like Michael Jackson grow up to be a rich white woman?  (America Quotes) What Martin Luther King is doing is disarming the black people of America of their God-given right and of their natural right.  (America Quotes) I personally feel like black people in America have contributed so much for so long, and haven’t always gotten credit for it.  (America Quotes)
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