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America Quotes

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Black people in America have to, for their own protection, develop a defense mechanism, and I just grew terribly tired of it.  (America Quotes) Black power can be clearly defined for those who do not attach the fears of white America to their questions about it.  (America Quotes) Wherever you go in the history of America, there have been Black people making contributions, but their contributions have been obscured, lost, buried.  (America Quotes) Don’t even FRONT like you love your family, America, or God, if you don’t have a DETAILED and REHEARSED Black Friday tactical shopping plan.  (America Quotes) That’s where Dr. [Martin Luther] King is mixed up. His goals should be the solution of the problem of the black man in America.  (America Quotes) We were in the heart of the ghetto in Chicago during the Depression, and every block - it was probably the biggest black ghetto in America - every block also is the spawning ground practically for every gangster, black and white, in America too.  (America Quotes) I was a black boy at the height of the crack era, which meant that my instructors pitched education as the border between those who would prosper in America, and those who would be fed to the great hydra of prison, teenage pregnancy and murder.  (America Quotes) The little platoon of the black community is the church. Our Christian faith is based on individual freedom from sin and the personal decision to find spiritual liberty that leads to a better life here on Earth and for eternity. On Sundays in America, the most conservative people can be found in black churches.  (America Quotes) The environment is the most important, the most fundamental, civil-rights issue.... Four out of every five toxic-waste dumps in America is in a black neighborhood.  (America Quotes) When I was going to school, I just wanted to be like everybody else. I would pull at my hair to try and get it to lie straight. America was where I would consume and absorb black culture, buy Ultra Sheen and watch ‘Soul Train,’ but I still had that weird in-between thing.  (America Quotes) As I grew up, I began to discover a little bit about the situation of black people in America and experienced an immediate empathy with the victims of such senseless discrimination. Because although the Turks were never slaves, they were regarded as enemies within Europe because of their Muslim beliefs.  (America Quotes) I wanted to make a movie about a black family in Middle America. I wanted to make a film where everyone can look at them and say, ‘This is my family.’  (America Quotes) My black friends in America don’t believe me. I said, ‘Dude, I’m Nigerian American.’ ‘Word? We thought you were, like, regular black.’ What the hell is ‘regular black’? Crayola coming out with colors I don’t know about?  (America Quotes) In America now every romantic comedy is interpreted politically. I can remember when I was promoting Black Hawk Down we were all being asked what it said about September 11th. Well, it was shot before that happened, so, nothing.  (America Quotes) America will tolerate the taking of a human life without giving it a second thought. But don’t misuse a household pet.  (America Quotes) I am America. I am the part you won’t recognize. But get used to me. Black, confident, cocky; my name, not yours; my religion, not yours; my goals, my own; get used to me.  (America Quotes) No other group in America has so had their identity socialized out of existence as have black women... When black people are talked about the focus tends to be on black men; and when women are talked about the focus tends to be on white women.  (America Quotes) As a black artist in America, you know, it is so segregated as far as the radio goes and how they position music on the radio.  (America Quotes) The FBI’s Counter-Intelligence Program would work hand-in-hand with police departments, literally planning attacks on Black Panther Party offices throughout the United States of America. They did this over a period of time.  (America Quotes) I think that having a black president in this country has been a seismic shift, in terms of what has been going on racially in America. I think that America is now engaging with how we have come to this point.  (America Quotes) Really, an historic night last night. You may have heard, Barack Obama will be the first black president of the United States of America. ... Obama is also the first Democrat to receive more than 50 percent of the vote since Jimmy Carter, the first senator to be elected since Jack Kennedy, the first Muslim to be ... I said too much.  (America Quotes) New Rule: The rest of the world can go back to being completely jealous of America. Our majority white country just freely elected a black president, something no other democracy has ever done. Take that Canada! Where’s your nubian warrior president? Your head of state is a boring white dude named Steven Harper, and mine is a kick-ass black ninja named Barack Hussein Obama!  (America Quotes) It’s a new world that’s very, very difficult to make sense of. But we have a new hope. We have a new man. America has now elected its first openly black President.  (America Quotes) Only blacks can play the race card, apparently; only they think in racial terms, at least to hear white America tell it.  (America Quotes) Race in America has always centered on our mutual agreement not to see each other. White or non-white. Black or non-black. Mongoloid, Hindoo. We’ve always bought into to the crudest, humanity-denying forms of sorting.  (America Quotes) I started a lecture series that was inspired by my reporting on race in America. The ‘Black in America’ series launched on CNN in 2007 as an opportunity to freshen the national conversation on race.  (America Quotes) If you listen to the political discourse in America today, you would think that all our problems have been caused by the Mexicans of the Chinese or the Muslims. The reality is that we have caused our own problems. Whatever has happened has been caused by isolating ourselves or blaming others.  (America Quotes) God bless that women are free in America. We can say what we want, and I do think women will heal the world.  (America Quotes) It has taken us that long to get the deaf, dumb, and blind black men in the wilderness of North America to wake up and understand who they are.  (America Quotes) America is a country born from semi-mythologized blood, glory and acts of selfless patriotic sacrifice.  (America Quotes)
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