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I think there are a good many Donald Trump voters who are sick of government as it is practiced in America and genuinely want to blow up the system and see what happens. They are stupid - or at least unwise - but not necessarily racist.  (America Quotes) The Left despises Texas, with its stellar record of job growth; Texas, with its strong support for traditional marriage and the sanctity of life; Texas, the root of the conservative tree. Should the Left succeed in its attempt to turn Texas purple, America could turn permanently blue.  (America Quotes) As much as I’d like to think and as much as people mistakenly think my audience is blue collar people in the heart of America, my audience is basically, in the States, an NPR audience. I play college towns in the summer because that’s who comes to see me.  (America Quotes) I know there’s similar dissatisfaction in America. There’s a lot of white people who come from blue collar backgrounds and who feel ill-equipped and badly served by modern economics and the modern job market.  (America Quotes) I always worked mostly in Quebec. I never thought of the States, somehow. I don’t know - I don’t have blue eyes or blond hair. I thought I didn’t fit with the stereotype of America.  (America Quotes) I’m Mexican-American. My dad was actually born in Mexico. He was raised up there, and he came back and forth to America pretty much his whole teenage years. My mom is from Sacramento, California, and she’s a blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl. She’s a whitey.  (America Quotes) Blue jeans have gone around the world. But that’s a product. We market blue jeans better, just as we market film better. But you can’t tell me that if America didn’t exist, the culture of movies wouldn’t exist. It’s not a distinctly American art form.  (America Quotes) America loves the representation of its heroes to be not just larger than life, but stupendously, awesomely bigger than anything else. If blue whales built statues to each other they’d be smaller then these.  (America Quotes) None of us were prepared to hear what Justice Scalia said, because in essence what he was saying is let`s go back to pre-Board of Education - Brown versus Board of Education, 1950s America where blacks are doing all right going to black schools or schools where blacks go. He said go to less advanced schools where they do all right. We`re going back to separate but equal.  (America Quotes) The jobs crisis has reached a boiling point, which is why we see Occupy Wall Street protestors crying out for an America that lets all of us reach for the American Dream again - a dream that says if you work hard and play by the rules, you can have a good life and retire with dignity.  (America Quotes) There are compelling reasons to implement a true America First immigration plan, starting with border security. We are a land of immigrants. Immigration, with assimilation, has generally been good for America.  (America Quotes) That’s the way cultural change works in America: the rest of us discard a prejudice that the Right still clings to; in the fullness of time, the Right comes around, too, deploying clever rationalizations to forget they ever bore the prejudice in the first place.  (America Quotes) Over the years, I’ve lived in a variety of places, including America, but I was born and raised in the Lake District, in Cumbria. Growing up in that rural, sodden, mountainous county has shaped my brain, perhaps even my temperament.  (America Quotes) America was born as a nation of immigrants who have always contributed to its greatness  (America Quotes) Free enterprise system was born the second year the pilgrims were here. And of course, it has made America the most prosperous country in the world.  (America Quotes) Since first hearing the story as a child, any mention of the ‘Boston Tea Party’ has elicited in me an excitement that is uniquely American. When I heard rumblings that there was a new Tea Party, I got goose bumps. I love tea, I love parties, I hate taxes; I’m in! It seemed that most of America joined in my excitement!  (America Quotes) What Tupperware has stood for all these years is the independence of women, allowing women to work from home, earn a living - and that what this Boys and Girls Clubs of America program, the SMART Girls program, is about.  (America Quotes) It would bring tears in your eyes to make you think of all those years, the type of brain-washing that this man will use in America to keep us separated from our own people.  (America Quotes) Hunger Games’ is a tried-and-true tale about a totalitarian society. It’s more similar to China than America, but it’s also similar to Nazi Germany and anywhere where the populace gets semi-brainwashed into serving the agenda of a very few.  (America Quotes) In America, we believe that our happiness depends on getting breaks, even though being American is already the biggest break we will ever get.  (America Quotes) Every generation has an obligation to leave its children in a better position than it inherited. Our representatives in Washington are breaking faith with that covenant. America must reduce its federal spending and accumulation of debt for the sake of generations to come.  (America Quotes) And I’ll tell you, honestly, folks that I talk to, the 2.5 million breast cancer survivors in America, that I am one of, understand that we’re done with insurance companies dropping us or denying us coverage because of - because we have a preexisting condition.  (America Quotes) Living in New York City, I am reminded by the Statue of Liberty that the United States of America has always welcomed those yearning to breathe free and seek a better life.  (America Quotes) In America there is institutional racism that we all inherit and participate in, like breathing the air in this room - and we have to become sensitive to it.  (America Quotes) It’s the government’s job to come in and help their citizens and guide their citizens to a brighter future and unfortunately in America that’s not what’s happening.  (America Quotes) In America, we are putting our energy companies out of business. We have to bring back our workers.  (America Quotes) We’re going to bring back God and the Bible and drive the gods of secular humanism right out of the public schools of America.  (America Quotes) When we first sold the Wallace and Gromit shorts to America, people suggested we get rid of the strange British accents and put clear American voices on them, and we held out.  (America Quotes) I received an OBE from the Queen, which probably doesn’t mean anything in America but is quite nice in England - the Order of the British Empire for services to drama.  (America Quotes) I was offered Fagin-type roles, but I wanted to do new things. I could have worked in America, but there was a recession in the British film industry, and I wanted to work in England. I’ve no regrets.  (America Quotes)
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