American People Quotes

Text Quotes
I don't care whether you're driving a hybrid or an SUV. If you're headed for a cliff, you have to change direction. That's what the American people called for in November, and that's what we intend to deliver (American People Quotes)
And the American people are the greatest people in the world. What makes America the greatest nation in the world is the heart of the American people: hardworking, innovative, risk taking, God loving, family oriented American people (American People Quotes)
This is the America that I love. This is a great people. We can do anything. We can achieve anything. We've got a government that has gotten in the way of the American people. We're going to change that in November (American People Quotes)
Let's just do what is right for the American people. And those of us who are involved in politics and government know that our responsibility is to the American people, that we have a responsibility to find our common ground, to seek it and to find it (American People Quotes)
Half of the American people have never read a newspaper. Half never voted for President. One hopes it is the same half (American People Quotes)
I know there is a Supreme Being who rules the affairs of men and whose goodness and mercy have always followed the American people, and I know He will not turn from us now if we humbly and reverently seek His powerful aid (American People Quotes)
Earmarks have become a symbol of a Congress that has broken faith with the people. This earmark ban shows the American people we are listening and we are dead serious about ending business as usual in Washington (American People Quotes)
More than anything else, let me be clear - we need to be willing to fight for freedom, and free markets, and traditional moral values. That's what the American people want to see this movement and this party return to (American People Quotes)
The American people know what's necessary to get this economy moving again. It's fiscal discipline in Washington, D. C. And across the board tax relief for working families, small businesses and family farms (American People Quotes)
The American people from bitter experience have a rightful fear that great business units might be used to dominate our industrial life and by illegal and unethical practices destroy equality of opportunity (American People Quotes)
I've always felt, in all my books, that there's a deep decency in the American people and a native intelligence - providing they have the facts, providing they have the information (American People Quotes)
It's very difficult for the American people to believe that our government, one of the richest on Earth, is also one of the stingiest on Earth (American People Quotes)
I am a beneficiary of the American people's generosity, and I hope we can have comprehensive immigration legislation that allows this country to continue to be enriched by those who were not born here (American People Quotes)
The fact is, when it comes to economic leadership, the Republicans have nothing to brag about. This isn't what the American people want. They want to see progress that works for them (American People Quotes)
The American people await action. They didn't send us here to bicker. They ask us to rise above the merely partisan. In crucial things, unity - and this, my friends, is crucial (American People Quotes)
The American people on the ground need a clearer, stronger, Lyndon B. Johnson type voice from their president (American People Quotes)
If the American people in a matter of months can love the people of Kuwait, whom they have not seen, they can love the people of our nation’s capital just as well (American People Quotes)
American people have the ability to laugh at themselves. It is one of the things that makes this country the great country that it is (American People Quotes)
American people are not evil. Given information, they will do the right thing. But they’re not given the information (American People Quotes)
American people aren’t interested in the procedural analysis. What they want is an up and down vote. They deserve an up and down vote on health care (American People Quotes)
And I believe that public broadcasting has an important trust with the American people, it’s an intimate medium of television, and that we can do reading and language development for young children without getting into human sexuality (American People Quotes)
And we ask the American people to play an important part of our layered defense. We ask for cooperation, patience and a commitment to vigilance in the face of a determined enemy (American People Quotes)
Bipartisanship isn’t an option anymore; it is a requirement. The American people have divided responsibility for leadership right down the middle (American People Quotes)
The American people are screaming out saying it’s unfair that the wealthiest, the largest corporations who can afford the best attorneys, the best accountants, take advantage of these special tax treatments that the lobbyists have, along with lawmakers, have cooked in the books here (American People Quotes)
The American people don’t believe politicians. They don’t believe business leaders or Hollywood celebrities or athletes or other supposed role models. And they certainly don’t believe the news media (American People Quotes)
Obama has placed himself in perfect political position: he spent the 2008 campaign convincing the American people that he’s a racial unifier rather than a divider, without any evidence to prove it (American People Quotes)
It’s a very tough thing to run for office, but it’s also the way the American people get to know you (American People Quotes)
Confronted with the choice, the American people would choose the policeman’s truncheon over the anarchist’s bomb (American People Quotes)
Earth Day 1970 was irrefutable evidence that the American people understood the environmental threat and wanted action to resolve it (American People Quotes)
Every president has to live with the result of what Lyndon Johnson did with Vietnam, when he lost the trust of the American people in the presidency (American People Quotes)