Americans Quotes

Text Quotes
In terms of viewing the world in a certain way, when you’re talking about monsters and talking about the metaphor that you’re trying to create, as Black Americans, you oft times stand apart and you have to look at things from the inside out or the outside in. (Americans Quotes)
I think this is what people misunderstand about Martin Luther King saying to love your enemies. They think he was just using this silly little phrase, but what he meant was that as Black Americans we need to let our anger go, because holding on to it we hold ourselves down. We oppress ourselves by holding on to anger. (Americans Quotes)
I think black Americans expect too much from individual black Americans in terms of changing the status quo. (Americans Quotes)
As soon as you say that there is a community called, let’s say, black Americans, you’ve immediately created a boundary line - who’s in that group, who’s outside that group. (Americans Quotes)
The closest Indian analogy to the position of black Americans is that of the Dalits - formerly called ‘Untouchables,’ the outcastes who for millennia suffered humiliating discrimination and oppression. (Americans Quotes)
The injustices endured by black Americans at the hands of their own government have no parallel in our history, not only during the period of slavery but also in the Jim Crow era that followed. (Americans Quotes)
Law enforcement’s biased view of the Irish lives on in the nickname we still use for the vehicles we use to transport groups of prisoners. It is, after all, the ‘paddy wagon.’ The Irish had tough times, but little compares to the experience on our soil of black Americans. (Americans Quotes)
If his presidency is to represent the full power of the idea that black Americans are just like everyone else - fully human and fully capable of intellect, courage and patriotism - then Barack Obama has to be subject to the same rough and tumble of political criticism experienced by his predecessors. (Americans Quotes)
I think Americans such as Leviathan have done a lot to expand the sonic palette of black metal (Americans Quotes)
Americans have their issues with skin colour, even within the black community, with light and dark skin; it’s crazy - but no one’s oblivious to it. (Americans Quotes)
Yippies, Hippies, Yahoos, Black Panthers, lions and tigers alike - I would swap the whole damn zoo for the kind of young Americans I saw in Vietnam. (Americans Quotes)
I read that Hollywood wanted to film Fences years ago with a white director, but [August] Wilson refused. He thought that the director needed to have lived the culture of black Americans. (Americans Quotes)
For Americans, the quickest way to understand modern Britain is to look at what LBJ’s Great Society did to the black family and imagine it applied to the general population. (Americans Quotes)
All my life, Americans have been accustomed to thinking of theirs as ‘the richest, freest’ country in the world. By most measurements, it was long a contender for that honor, and - among the larger countries, if equal weight were given to wealth and indices of freedom - probably did deserve to be so described. (Americans Quotes)
[Donald] Trump, for five years, you perpetuated a false claim that the nation’s first black president was not a natural-born citizen. You questioned his legitimacy.In the last couple of weeks, you acknowledged what most Americans have accepted for years: The president was born in the United States. (Americans Quotes)
If we are going to have a health care program that works for all Americans, we are going to have to get beyond the blame game. (Americans Quotes)
Thirty percent of Americans have German blood in their family. I don’t see any major difference in the engineering abilities of Americans and Germans. (Americans Quotes)
The creation of the mortgage bond market, a decade earlier, had extended Wall Street into a place it had never before been: the debts of ordinary Americans. (Americans Quotes)
While most Americans know about the Boston Tea Party, few are aware of the Liberty Tree and how important it was to fanning the flames of rebellion that led to the revolution in 1775 and the Declaration of Independence. (Americans Quotes)
Few Americans have ever met their Congresspeople. They don’t see them at the grocery store; they don’t meet them at the bowling alley. They’re more likely to see their representatives in photographs from the Daily Grill in Washington, D.C., than at a local town hall. (Americans Quotes)
Americans easily forget that the air they breathe is the same as those in Europe or Africa or Asia; it’s the same air as Jesus breathed. I would like them to remember that connection. (Americans Quotes)
British actors come at acting from a slightly different angle. Because a lot of the films are cast out there, they are so used to the angle from which the Americans, and certainly the young guys from L.A., are coming at it, that I think it’s interesting for them to find these English actors who maybe approach acting from a different place. (Americans Quotes)
Americans are very good at animating voices. I don’t know why. They have a freedom with them that we British actors find more difficult to get to. (Americans Quotes)
Sometimes Americans don’t quite get my sense of humor. My good ol’ British sarcasm seems to go over their heads. (Americans Quotes)
Americans don’t care what your language is, your race is, whatever. Everyone is there to do their own thing and be successful. I wish people in Britain would be more positive. (Americans Quotes)
I can see how Americans misconstrue British reserve, and I can see how British people misconstrue American enthusiasm. I think I’m somewhere in between the two. Although I’m outgoing, I’m also very private. (Americans Quotes)
During the 1990s the United States sought to impose the ‘Washington Consensus’ on Latin American governments. It embodied what Latin Americans call ‘neo-liberal’ principles: budget cuts, privatization, deregulation of business, and incentives for foreign companies. This campaign sparked bitter resistance and ultimately collapsed. (Americans Quotes)
My parents were exactly like millions of other Americans who had a fire in their belly to build something of their own, and in so doing they exemplified the dignity of work, the opportunity available in this great nation to those willing to work, and they left the world a bit better than it was when they first showed up. (Americans Quotes)
In general, Americans are not very good at nation-building and not very good colonialists (Americans Quotes)
When the Americans are behind you, they’re behind you 100%, and this gives you real confidence as an architect. They expect you to lead a building project - to make the kind of big and costly decisions that, in Britain, have been handed over to project managers and cost-cutters. (Americans Quotes)