Americans Quotes

Text Quotes
Whatever the political injustices are that created an environment that brought this about, it was not Americans who flew those planes into those buildings. And we should remember that. The crimes against humanity were perpetrated by people who were Arab Muslims. (Americans Quotes)
One could reasonably argue that the Turkish pogrom against the Armenians during World War I qualifies as a crime against humanity, as does the United States’ ethnic cleansing of Native Americans. (Americans Quotes)
I was a comedian in Russia, and I worked on the cruise ships there. I met a lot of Americans, and they were laughing even though I didn’t speak their language. (Americans Quotes)
Our Nation has a diverse and extremely rich cultural heritage. It is a source of pride and strength to millions of Americans who look to the arts for inspiration, communication and the opportunity for creative self-expression. (Americans Quotes)
The curious thing is Americans don’t mind individual mandates when they come in the form of payroll taxes to buy mandatory public insurance. In fact, that’s the system we call Social Security and Medicare, and both are so popular politicians dare not touch them. (Americans Quotes)
To me, the real ‘state of the union’ is found in how Americans react to current events (Americans Quotes)
Americans have always evinced some distrust of government, but the current situation has exacerbated this to a degree that may be unprecedented. (Americans Quotes)
Americans hate their cable companies - for bumbling installers, on-again-off-again transmissions, peculiar channel selections, and indifferent customer service. The only thing cable subscribers hate more than the cable company is not being able to get what it delivers: multichannel selection and good reception. (Americans Quotes)
Fundamentalist Muslim terrorists kill three thousand Americans, but America isn’t supposed to respond, because if we respond, they’ll respond. We always hear about ‘karmic retributions’ and the ‘cycle of violence’ only after we’ve been hit. (Americans Quotes)
A large majority of Americans believe that corporations exert too much influence on our daily lives and our political process. (Americans Quotes)
The ‘Cold War’ impinged on the daily lives of Americans. The wars after 11 September 2001 have been fought without the general American population having to make any sacrifices. It goes on, and so do we. (Americans Quotes)
We have a situation where we have our inner cities, African- Americans, Hispanics are living in he’ll because it’s so dangerous. You walk down the street, you get shot. (Americans Quotes)
Americans rightly, but sometimes excessively, celebrate every person in uniform as a hero, but seldom honor the difficult and often dangerous work being done day after day by members of our diplomatic corps. Warriors capture the popular imagination more easily than peacemakers. (Americans Quotes)
You know, when we get to a point in this country where dissent is extremism, we’ve turned, I think, a very dark page in our history. And I don’t want us to go there. I encourage Americans and I’m - right now, to go to these town hall meetings, to - to talk to your Congressmen, the people that you elected. (Americans Quotes)
France and America have a long history of mutual loathing and longing. Americans still dream of Paris; Parisians still dream of the America they find in the movies of David Lynch. (Americans Quotes)
I am so sick of reading about another car bomb, another suicide bomber, another 10, 20, 30, 70, 100 people dead in a day, both Americans and Iraqis. (Americans Quotes)
Election Day 2010 saw the culmination of years of aggravation and resentment toward a federal government that became disconnected and disdainful of the values and priorities of Americans. (Americans Quotes)
Jogging, I believe they call it. It seems to be an epidemic psychological illness afflicting Americans these days. A form of masochism, like the flagellantes in the Middle Ages. (Americans Quotes)
I really want Americans, and all of us, to be less afraid of death, and know that it’s a passage, but that - don’t go to the funeral before the day of the funeral. (Americans Quotes)
The situation in the United States is becoming more dire for average ordinary Americans and the last thing we need to do is to spend money on death, destruction and war. (Americans Quotes)
In terms of sources coming forward, I really reject this idea of talking about one, two, three sources. There are many sources that have informed the reporting we’ve done and I think that Americans owe them a debt of gratitude for taking the risk they do. (Americans Quotes)
The truth is we need to build an economy going forward with all of us, when we all move forward and the payment of a national debt is not the responsibility of one group of Americans versus another. (Americans Quotes)
There must be a major economic recovery package which puts Americans to work at decent wages (Americans Quotes)
Americans don’t have deep gastronomic roots. They wanted to get away from the cultures of Europe or wherever they came from. We stirred up that melting pot pretty quickly. (Americans Quotes)
Older Americans are perfect telemarketing customers, analysts say, because they are often at home, rely on delivery services, and are lonely for the companionship that telephone callers provide. (Americans Quotes)
Democratic Party is a party that’s just out of touch with who the electorate is and who Americans are. (Americans Quotes)
We spend billions on marginal and often unnecessary procedures on people who are in the final dying process, yet we leave millions of Americans out of the health insurance system, and America’s kids have the worst dental health in the developed world. (Americans Quotes)
Recovery measures work better when they raise confidence - as Franklin D. Roosevelt understood. His fireside chats, and his inaugural address proclaiming he would fight the Great Depression with the same resolve he would muster against a foreign foe, were aimed at reassuring Americans. (Americans Quotes)
Now is the moment when we can stand up and say, ‘I’m an American. I make my destiny. And we deserve better! My children deserve better! My family deserves better. My country deserves better!’ So here we stand. Americans have a choice. (Americans Quotes)
God is not an American. Nature did not design Americans to be prosperous forever. (Americans Quotes)