Americans Quotes

Text Quotes
Millions of Americans and people around the world, especially young people who face intense financial challenges today, haven’t been taught how to take control of their financial future. (Americans Quotes)
Americans trash the planet not because we’re evil, but because the industrial systems we’ve devised leave no other choice. Our ranch houses and high-rises, factories and farms, freeways and power plants were conceived before we had a clue how the planet works. (Americans Quotes)
Improving the outlook for U.S workers isn’t about creating millions of minimum-wage jobs. It is about creating sustainable, skilled employment that allows Americans to earn a fair wage with benefits that allows them to pay for housing and food on the table and sustain a middle-class lifestyle. (Americans Quotes)
I think the issue is that Americans traveling abroad if gotten into legal problems should have access to a fair trial and an impartial tribunal. (Americans Quotes)
I had faith in the concept and the theory that all Americans are endowed with the right to a fair trial and I would be fairly judged and fairly tried. (Americans Quotes)
Too many Americans live by Republican principles of faith, family, hope and opportunity, but vote for Democrats out of sheer habit. (Americans Quotes)
All Americans must recognize that the face of terror is not the true faith - face of Islam. Islam is a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. It’s a faith that has made brothers and sisters of every race. It’s a faith based upon love, not hate. (Americans Quotes)
What happened on September 11 compels us to focus on who we are as Americans, what we stand for, what really matters in our lives - family, friends, faith and freedom. (Americans Quotes)
Americans understand we fight not a religion; ours is not a campaign against the Muslim faith. Ours is a campaign against evil. (Americans Quotes)
In the wealthiest nation on Earth, no one who works a full time job should have to live in poverty. That’s a fundamental value proposition, an article of faith in our country that I know an overwhelming majority of Americans agree on. (Americans Quotes)
For many Americans, including many who are employed, going to the doctor when they fall ill or become injured may not be an option because of the absence of health insurance. (Americans Quotes)
It’s morally wrong, and economically self-defeating, that so much wealth flows upwards towards the richest of Americans, while millions work full time but still can’t provide for their families. (Americans Quotes)
I don’t feel that I’ve had a life of abuse or that I am a victim in any way. My life is pretty typical of a lot of Americans of my generation who grew up in the sixties in families like mine that were sort of unconventional. (Americans Quotes)
Americans are grateful for the connection and convenience their phones provide, helping them search for a lower price, navigate a strange city, expand a customer base or track their health and finances, their family and friends. (Americans Quotes)
I believe that Americans are entitled. We’re entitled to have a job that makes us feel like we have some dignity in our lives, that we live a life of integrity, and that we have good family relationships and our relationships with our friends and our families and our coworkers are enriching and meaningful. (Americans Quotes)
My interest generally is the hidden Americans; the ones who live far away from the headlines (Americans Quotes)
I get 100 e-mails a day from Americans who say, ‘What you’re doing is cool - can we work for you?’ From Germans, I also get 100 e-mails a day, saying, ‘You fat pig!’ or ‘You’re a liar and a criminal!’ I’m trying to change this. (Americans Quotes)
The great majority of Americans do not know much about Islam but nonetheless fear it as violent, expansionist and alien to their society. The problem to overcome is not hatred, but ignorance. (Americans Quotes)
Americans worry that Afghanistan has become a petri dish in which the germs of Islamic fanaticism are replicating - soon Afghans will be hijacking American planes and bombing embassies everywhere. And their fears are not necessarily unfounded. The Taliban are unemployed war veterans, ready and even eager to return to the battlefield. (Americans Quotes)
The detention of Japanese Americans during World War II would qualify as an example of majoritarian tyranny and misuse of executive prerogative, driven by fear and racial bias. (Americans Quotes)
While F.D.R. once told Americans that we have nothing to fear but fear itself, Mr. Ashcroft is delighted to play the part of Fear Itself, an assignment in which he lets his imagination run riot. (Americans Quotes)
Americans need never fear their government because of the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation. (Americans Quotes)
There’s no question that Donald Trump has said things that are very unsettling. I mean, whether it’s comparing Mexicans to rapists, demonizing Muslim Americans, excoriating the federal judge who was handling the case. (Americans Quotes)
I’m a conservative first, and I believe that, if we do a better job of helping Americans understand what we’re trying to do, to showcase every place in the country that our ideas are working at the state level, that that will help those at the federal level who want to carry those policies. (Americans Quotes)
Millions of Americans were duped by the federal government and the Federal Reserve into buying homes they could not afford and failed to count the cost. When the financial crisis of 2008 hit, they could not keep up the monthly mortgage payments and defaulted. (Americans Quotes)
Most Americans agree that federal money, their tax money shouldn’t be used to help pay for abortions. (Americans Quotes)
The only subject fewer authentic Americans cared about than the treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo was World Cup Soccer. America is an epic global battle with ruthless savages who seek our destruction, and liberals are feeling sorry for the terrorists. (Americans Quotes)
In addition to serving overseas, the Peace Corps’ Crisis Corps Volunteers have helped their fellow Americans. (Americans Quotes)
I want to look my fellow Americans directly in the eye and declare to them, ‘I am not the anthrax killer.’ I know nothing about the anthrax attacks. I had absolutely nothing to do with this terrible crime. (Americans Quotes)
The hate and scorn showered on us Negro officers by our fellow Americans convinced me that there was no sense in my dying for a world ruled by them. I made up my mind that if I got through this war I would study law and use my time fighting for men who could not strike back. (Americans Quotes)