Americans Quotes

Text Quotes
When President George W. Bush attempted to reform Social Security, that proposal was more unpopular with Americans than the Iraq war. People love their entitlements. (Americans Quotes)
Fantasy is the tendency of Americans, going back to colonial times, to look at the Middle East as a type of fractured mirror of the United States - a type of mirror that could look a lot more like the United States, if, say, a Middle Eastern George Washington would emerge. (Americans Quotes)
In fact, I think 500 years from now, the two Americans so far who will be remembered are George Washington and Neil Armstrong, who, amazingly hasn’t been paid very much attention. (Americans Quotes)
I think one percent of the population attended college when Wallace Stevens and Robert Frost and Gertrude Stein were at Harvard. Now I think forty percent of Americans have some college education. That’s an astronomical change. (Americans Quotes)
I wanted to think about ways to get an American readership concerned with what is happening in Mexico, but also to reframe it as a problem Americans share. (Americans Quotes)
Americans are slow to anger, but once they do get angry, they are impossible to stop (Americans Quotes)
I think that most Americans don’t resent people for getting rich. They want to get rich themselves. (Americans Quotes)
Americans are getting like a Ford car, they all have the same exact parts, the same upholstering and make exactly the same noises. (Americans Quotes)
It just doesn’t occur to an American that someone else will solve their problems. Americans take pride in solving problems for themselves. And if we fail, we get back up and try again. It’s what we do. It’s who we are. (Americans Quotes)
We’re doing exactly what the Republicans don’t want: getting more people involved in our democracy. Giving more Americans a voice in their future. (Americans Quotes)
We know that to compete for the jobs of the 21st century and thrive in a global economy, we need a growing, skilled and educated workforce, particularly in the areas of science, technology, engineering and math. Americans with bachelor’s degrees have half the unemployment rate of those with a high school degree. (Americans Quotes)
Our health-care morass is like the problems of global warming and the national debt - the kind of vast policy failure that is far easier to get into than to get out of. Americans say that they want leaders who will take on these problems. (Americans Quotes)
The U.S. has more broadband subscribers than any country other than China. Americans rank at the top in their use of the web, and numerous studies validate that the U.S. is a global innovation powerhouse. The leading Internet and e-commerce companies are located here. (Americans Quotes)
Then as now, whatever disagreements over policies existed among Americans - and there were many such bitter policy disputes - the purposes and goals for which Americans fought were clearly understood. (Americans Quotes)
The God most Americans say they believe in is just not interesting enough to deny. Thus the only kind of atheism that counts in America is to call into question the proposition that everyone has a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. (Americans Quotes)
At the unconscious level, Americans believe that good people succeed, that success is bestowed upon you by God. Your success demonstrates that God loves you. (Americans Quotes) this not in fact the purpose of young Americans going abroad? To make them think of things they never thought of? (Americans Quotes)
The message is pretty clear: Americans are sick and tired of the doubletalk coming out of Washington, of us going home and saying we’re conservative and then coming up here and voting for 10,000 earmarks. We can’t fool America anymore; the media is too good. They’re reporting what we’re really doing. (Americans Quotes)
Seven out of 10 Americans don’t like the direction the country’s going (Americans Quotes)
Looking back, I’m so proud to have gone to five Olympics - I believe only three other Americans have achieved that. My true gold medal, though, is my daughter, Karsen, who is 18 months old. And I have a wonderful husband, Mike. (Americans Quotes)
At a recent education summit, President Obama admitted that he can’t rap. When they heard, Americans said, ‘Good!’ (Americans Quotes)
But the reason America is a great country, the reason is because our compassion is in our laws. And when we live by those laws and we treat everybody equally under the law, that’s when people feel good about being Americans. (Americans Quotes)
Based on current surveys of public opinion in the United States, it turns out that the majority of Americans think I’ve done a pretty good job. (Americans Quotes)
There is a growing sense among Americans outside the Beltway that while President Obama may be a good talker, he is a lousy manager. (Americans Quotes)
What’s been happening in Iraq, what young Americans wearing flak jackets, helmets and flight suits have done is... created the circumstances under which Iraq can become our closest ally in that part of the world and still have a representative government. And that’s going to be a very good thing considering what’s going on in that neighborhood. (Americans Quotes)
As you know, today was Don’t Take Your Illegal Immigrant To Work Day here in Los Angeles. No, all across the nation they had a Day Without Immigrants, is what they call it. Or, as Native Americans call it, the good ol’ days. (Americans Quotes)
It’s alright to have a good opinion of yourself, but we Americans are so smug with our cockiness, we somehow feel that just because we are Americans, we can whip our weight in wildcats. (Americans Quotes)
We have to make it easier to be good workers, good parents and good caregivers all at the same time. That’s why I’ve set out a bold vision to make quality, affordable child care available to all Americans and limit the cost to 10 percent of family income. (Americans Quotes)
I think we Americans, of all people, understand the importance of a good, legal, constitutional framework as the basis of political life. (Americans Quotes)
It may be taken for granted that, rash as Americans usually are, when they are prudent, there is good reason for it. (Americans Quotes)