Amit Kalantri Quotes

Text Quotes
There was a product which seemed attractive, expensive, portable, beautiful and simple. Everybody talked about its beauty but they bought it for it’s simplicity. (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
Smile on the face or innocence on the face is as attractive as beauty on the face (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
The primary feature of women is not a ‘beauty’, it’s a ‘mystery’ (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
I don’t expect congratulations for successful beginning, what I want is the applaud at successful ending. (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
In spite of being complicated people choose superstitions over common sense (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
Providing employment is the best form of social service, as it serves you, others, your country, your world - the entire society. (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
Most of the people don’t see a big success in life, because small successes ignites ego issues in them. (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
Just read one book a month and at the end of they year you would be totally different but an impressive personality. (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
There is enough knowledge in the books to explain the existing, your knowledge must inspire what is possible. (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
You must go to the school or to the books or on the field because knowledge doesn’t come to you, you must go to the knowledge. (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
All the successful personalities had one common element, they all liked reading books (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
When you are lonely for a while don’t get restless, if you had born alone, you are going to die alone then for sometime you can certainly live alone. (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
To the issues of friendship, love, business and war, surprise is the optimistic solution (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
World can run without money and currencies but not without business and trade (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
Your money is just a condition to get my business, your professionalism is the price (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
In the business always talk to decision makers only, it will save your time and will get you the deal. (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
First make your business itself a brand and then every product you create will be accepted as a brand. (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
This is what made the difference, they used social networking for entertainment and I used it for business. (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
A birth-date is a reminder to celebrate the life as well as to update the life (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
I decided to do the easy task of changing situations and conditions by being a hero, than staying back to do the difficult task of changing people by being just a man. (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
I agree that sometimes it is difficult to choose between right and wrong, but not between right and stupid. (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
Between natural ability and education choose natural ability, as it will keep you happy and will fetch you the glory sooner. (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
God gave us ground we created a city, God gave us time we need to create a future (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
If you are really bored with life, just meet a decent magician and have a close up magic show, he will restore inspiration in your life. (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
My friends wanted their names in the list of employees of some company, well I wanted my name in the list of the heroes of the world. (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
There will never be complete satisfaction in the life, satisfaction is an illusion, there is only heroism. (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
Man kept control over the machines he created, I wish God would have done the same with the man he created. (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
So many love affairs doesn’t survive, because the couple has been very loving to each other but with the time they stop respecting each other. (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
Your courage will be tested during the adversity as well as during the change (Amit Kalantri Quotes)
We all were courageous in the starting moments, few of us stayed courageous till the final moments and the world called them successful men. (Amit Kalantri Quotes)