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Be not content with the common place in character anymore than with the commonplace in ambition or intellectual attainment. Do not expect that you will make any lasting or very strong impression on the world through intellectual power without the use of an equal amount of conscience and heart (Amount Quotes)
Every woman whether rich or poor, married or single, has a circle of influence within which, according to her character, she is exerting a certain amount of power for good or harm. Every woman, by her virtue or her vice, by her folly or her wisdom, by her levity or her dignity, is adding something to our national elevation or degradation. A community is not likely to be overthrown where woman fulfills her mission, for by the power of her noble heart over the hearts of others, she will raise that community from its ruins and restore it again to prosperity and joy (Amount Quotes)
It’s not about the amount of time you devote but rather what you devote to that time that counts (Amount Quotes)
Life is revealed as a place to contribute and we as contributors. Not because we have done a measurable amount of good, but because that is the story we tell (Amount Quotes)
Don’t be deceived by life’s outcomes. Life’s outcomes, while not entirely random, have a huge amount of luck baked into them (Amount Quotes)
Infants and young children are not just sitting twiddling their thumbs, waiting for their parents to teach them to read and do math. They are expending a vast amount of time and effort in exploring and understanding their immediate world. Healthy education supports and encourages this spontaneous learning (Amount Quotes)
Classical music requires an immense amount of concentration, and I don’t know if I would’ve been that committed to that particular life (Amount Quotes)
I’m serenely convinced that we are heading into what will amount to a time out from technological progress as we know it (Amount Quotes)
No amount or combination of alternative fuels is going to allow us to continue running what we’re running, the way we’re running it (Amount Quotes)
I can’t tell people how to have style. No amount of money can buy you style. It’s just instinctive (Amount Quotes)
I had fun, but I didn’t really have anyone I particularly loved except for loving friends. But I have a certain amount of faith that it will come (Amount Quotes)
One of the pervasive risks that we face in the information age, as I wrote in the introduction, is that even if the amount of knowledge in the world is increasing, the gap between what we know and what we think we know may be widening (Amount Quotes)
If you step back and look at the data, the optimum amount of red meat you eat should be zero (Amount Quotes)
To the greatest extent possible, I try to make choices that involve the least amount of cruelty and environmental damage. I’m interested in sustainable agriculture, environmental issues, human rights, and my interconnectedness in the web of life. It is a great pleasure for me to find products and practices that have a positive effect on living beings and the environment, rather than a negative one (Amount Quotes)
In passing, I firmly believe that research should be offset by a certain amount of teaching, if only as a change from the agony of research. The trouble, however, I freely admit, is that in practice you get either no teaching, or else far too much (Amount Quotes)
The trigger has been squeezed, the deathly mechanism has been enabled, the fatal course of a bullet has been set. No amount of bleating or praying or wailing of cajoling can halt it or stall it or call it back (Amount Quotes)
The greater the amount of knowledge you accumulate, the bigger your island gets, but the greater the shoreline of the unknown becomes. In short, the more you know, the more you know you don’t know (Amount Quotes)
I mean, I take that with the biggest amount of pride there could possibly be because I have so many idols of gymnasts that were before me. I think having perspective now on how hard it is for all of the starts to line up for something like that to happen, I’m just very proud of that moment and that whole atmosphere (Amount Quotes)
There is honor in labor. Work is the medicine of the soul. It is more: it is your very life, without which you would amount to little (Amount Quotes)
Anger is very difficult for me to express. I have a tremendous amount of anger but I like to save it... for my loved ones (Amount Quotes)
I learnt an enormous amount, but there came a point where I found there was too much stress. It was no fun any more. Outside of the chessboard I avoid conflict, so I thought this wasn’t worth it (Amount Quotes)
What a heap of ash most political careers amount to, when one really stops to consider them! (Amount Quotes)
A vase of flowers or greens will bring even a dull hotel room to life in the most delightful way. The small amount of trouble or expense involved is honestly repaid in real decorative effect. If you find cut flowers too extravagant, stick to the greens. Laurel, rhododendron leaves, huckleberry or pine will all last many days, even weeks (Amount Quotes)
If anarchists are idealists, they may simply be likened to someone who finds himself swimming in a cesspool and, rather than paddling about looking for the area with the least amount of floating faeces, seeks to climb out of the pool completely (Amount Quotes)
When you want to get good at something, how you spend your time practicing is far more important than the amount of time you spend (Amount Quotes)
When I draw something, I try to build some kind of history into it. Drawing an object that has a certain amount of wear and tear or rust; or a tree that is damaged. I love trying to render not just the object, but what it has been through (Amount Quotes)
We are the most focused company that I know of or have read of or have any knowledge of. We say no to good ideas every day. We say no to great ideas in order to keep the amount of things we focus on very small in number, so that we can put enormous energy behind the ones we do choose... It’s not just saying yes to the right products, it’s saying no to many products that are good ideas, but just not nearly as good as other ones (Amount Quotes)
I think the draw quotient has always been high in world championship matches because the amount of effort people put into neutralizing each other’s openings. It’s just now with computers that it has reached a new level (Amount Quotes)
If each year slightly less capital is invested in industry, the time will eventually come when the amount of equipment per laborer and, in consequence, the productivity and the wages of labor are less than they otherwise would be (Amount Quotes)
The purpose of a business is to get and keep a customer. Without customers, no amount of engineering wizardry, clever financing, or operations expertise can keep a company going (Amount Quotes)