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Amplitude Quotes

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The foundation of reverence is this perception, that the present holds within itself the complete sum of existence, backwards and forwards, that whole amplitude of time, which is eternity  (Amplitude Quotes) Arc, amplitude, and curvature sustain a similar relation to each other as time, motion, and velocity, or as volume, mass, and density  (Amplitude Quotes) I know I am deathless. No doubt I have died myself ten thousand times before. I laugh at what you call dissolution, and I know the amplitude of time  (Amplitude Quotes) No verse is free for the man who wants to do a good job... Poetry.. Remains one person talking to another... No poet can write a poem of amplitude unless he is the master of the prosaic  (Amplitude Quotes) Imagination, which in truth Is but another name for absolute power And clearest insight, amplitude of mind, And reason, in her most exalted mood  (Amplitude Quotes) There’s no doubt that the Moon is more than a handy night light and a hair restorer for werewolves. It’s responsible for the substantial amplitude of earthly ocean tides. These are of obvious influence if you’re a geoduck, a type of clam that people dig up at low tide.  (Amplitude Quotes)