Amuse Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s your body, use it.. amuse it.. because one day, you’re gonna lose it! (Amuse Quotes)
The teacher will perform miracles. Not just to delight and amuse people, but showing them that miraculous occurrences indicate that there is something more (Amuse Quotes)
The reason for not going out and sinning all you like is the same as the reason for not going out and putting your nose in a slicing machine: its dumb, stupid, and no fun. Some individual sins may have pleasure still attached to them because of the residual goodness of the realities they are abusing: adultery can indeed be pleasant and tying one on can amuse. But betrayal, jealousy, love grown cold, and the gray dawn of the morning after are nobody’s idea of a good time (Amuse Quotes)
A state of skepticism and suspense may amuse a few inquisitive minds. But the practice of superstition is so congenial to the multitude that, if they are forcibly awakened, they still regret the loss of their pleasing vision (Amuse Quotes)
The crux of the biscuit is: If it entertains you, fine. Enjoy it. If it doesn’t, then blow it out your ass. I do it to amuse myself. If I like it, I release it. If somebody else likes it, that’s a bonus (Amuse Quotes)
It is a sober truth that people who live only to amuse themselves work harder at the task than most people do in earning their daily bread (Amuse Quotes)
The first person you should think of pleasing, in writing a book, is yourself. If you can amuse yourself for the length of time it takes to write a book, the publisher and the readers can and will come later (Amuse Quotes)
Men are not amusing during the shooting season; but, after all, my dear, men were not especially designed to amuse women (Amuse Quotes)
The great dramatist has something better to do than to amuse either himself or his audience. He has to interpret life (Amuse Quotes)
I never feel I repeat myself. I really go out of my way to amuse myself. I would be bored stiff. If I feel the déjavu when I’m doing something, I stop and rethink and rework it (Amuse Quotes)
Do not read, as children do, to amuse yourself, or like the ambitious, for the purpose of instruction. No, read in order to live (Amuse Quotes)
Tea’s proper use is to amuse the idle, and relax the studious, and dilute the full meals of those who cannot use exercise, and will not use abstinence (Amuse Quotes)
Here there is no hope, and consequently no duty, no work, nothing to be gained by praying, nothing to be lost by doing what you like. Hell, in short, is a place where you have nothing to do but amuse yourself (Amuse Quotes)
Habitual liars invent falsehoods not to gain any end or even to deceive their hearers, but to amuse themselves. It is partly practice and partly habit. It requires an effort in them to speak truth (Amuse Quotes)
Since the age of five I had been one of those people who was an indefatigable reader, more inclined to go off by myself with a book than do any of the dozens of things that children usually do to amuse themselves. I never aged out of it (Amuse Quotes)
Happiness does not lie in amusement; it would be strange if one were to take trouble and suffer hardship all one’s life in order to amuse oneself (Amuse Quotes)
Holding this book in your hand, sinking back in your soft armchair, you will say to yourself: perhaps it will amuse me. And after you have read this story of great misfortunes, you will no doubt dine well, blaming the author for your own insensitivity, accusing him of wild exaggeration and flights of fancy. But rest assured: this tragedy is not a fiction. All is true (Amuse Quotes)
... the first thing his education demands is the provision of an environment in which he can develop the powers given him by nature. This does not mean just to amuse him and let him do what he likes. But it does mean that we have to adjust our minds to doing a work of collaboration with nature, to being obedient to one of her laws, the law which decrees that development comes from environmental experience (Amuse Quotes)
True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for he that is so wants nothing. The greatest blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach. A wise man is content with his lot, whatever it may be, without wishing for what he has not (Amuse Quotes)
With all due respect for the wondrous ways people have invented to amuse themselves and one another on paved surfaces, I find that this exodus from the land makes me unspeakably sad. I think of the children who will never know, intuitively, that a flower is a plant’s way of making love, or what silence sounds like, or that trees breathe out what we breathe in (Amuse Quotes)
It only works because we still amuse each other. After we have been working with other people, it is so refreshing to laugh unreservedly when we are back together again (Amuse Quotes)
I not only played and sang blues, but I also had to toss the piano around a bit to amuse the patrons (Amuse Quotes)
The teacher should use illustrations for the better teaching of the lesson, and never to fill up time, to amuse the class, or to display his own genius (Amuse Quotes)
It rains during the morning. No visitors today. I feel lonely and amuse myself by writing at random. These are the words: Who mourns makes grief his master. Who drinks makes pleasure his master (Amuse Quotes)
If you were not to be its victim, this book and body would amuse you with its arrogance. It would make you laugh. Because you were not its victim, you could feel no pain of betrayal (Amuse Quotes)
It is strange that there should be so little reading in the world, and so much writing. People in general do not willingly read, if they can have any thing else to amuse them (Amuse Quotes)
Everyone carries his own inch rule of taste, and amuse himself by applying it, triumphantly, wherever he travels (Amuse Quotes)
Books, we are told, propose to instruct or to amuse. Indeed!... The true antithesis to knowledge, in this case, is not pleasure, but power (Amuse Quotes)
We are so little and vain that the esteem of five or six persons about us is enough to content and amuse us (Amuse Quotes)
The only way to amuse some people is to slip and fall on an icy pavement (Amuse Quotes)