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An Empty Bed Quotes

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When my bed is empty, Makes me feel awful mean and blue. My springs are getting rusty, Living single like I do  (An Empty Bed Quotes) I might have missed my calling as an editor. In the spring, the sight of my empty garden beds gives me the horticultural equivalent of writers’ block: So much space! So many plants to choose among, and yet none of them seem quite right!  (An Empty Bed Quotes) Being packed all the time, even when not in use, must feel something like going to bed on an empty stomach.  (An Empty Bed Quotes) The work of Nigeria is not complete for as long as there is any one Nigerian who goes to bed on empty stomach.  (An Empty Bed Quotes) Here’s who it’s okay to share a bed with: . . . A heating pad. An empty bag of pita chips. The love of your life.  (An Empty Bed Quotes) I just looked at her, feeling utterly empty. I didn’t know what I was supposed to say to her. My life is in that bed. Please let me stay.  (An Empty Bed Quotes) To bed, to bed; sleep kill those pretty eyes, and give as soft attachment to thy senses, as infants empty of all thought  (An Empty Bed Quotes) Who hasn’t slept in an empty bed sometimes, longing for the embrace of another person on the achingly short trip to the grave?  (An Empty Bed Quotes)