An Experience Changing You Quotes

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Can you blame them? We have to filter so much information these days. But it does make it difficult for an artist. I’m 46 years old now. I’ve had a lot of life experience and my voice has changed. People who expect the same old me are bound to be disappointed (An Experience Changing You Quotes)
You have to understand that PTSD has to be an event that you experience, a very traumatic event. And actually, there is evidence that brain chemistry changes during this event in certain individuals where it’s imprinted indelibly forever and there’s an emotion associated with this which triggers the condition (An Experience Changing You Quotes)
I’ve learned through my own experiences that working toward an objective in your life can change who you are. (An Experience Changing You Quotes)
When playing any song in front of an audience, you’re watching them experience it, and it changes. In a lot of ways, it’s almost like the music is just the background buzz to what’s happening between you and the audience in the room. (An Experience Changing You Quotes)
If you really want to be an artist, you search yourself, and you find a lot of it comes from earlier times. I have pretty much built the work around my experiences. When I’ve moved from one place to another, the work has changed. (An Experience Changing You Quotes)
My approach to training changed dramatically throughout my experience as one of the trainers on ‘The Biggest Loser.’ Getting to know each person was an important reminder that to get the body physically fit, you must first get mentally and emotionally ‘fit.’ (An Experience Changing You Quotes)
When it’s good, cinema can be one of the most important things in a person’s life. A film can be a catalyst for change. You witness this and it is an incredibly spiritual experience that I’d never lived before; well, maybe only in a football match. (An Experience Changing You Quotes)
I was emotionally and physically punched in the stomach. This is not a place where you go and deliver the lines and then you come back. It’s kind of a life-changing experience. But it can’t get better than this for any actor - this is like an opera. (An Experience Changing You Quotes)
I’ve had experiences where I wasn’t allowed to change words around at all because you have to say everything, exactly as written on the page. That’s not fun for me. For me, part of being an actor is being able to contribute to a character’s rhythms. If there’s room to explore, you find a happy medium. (An Experience Changing You Quotes)
You wind up creating from silence, like painting a picture on a blank canvas that could bring tears to somebody’s eyes. As songwriters, our blank canvas is silence. Then we write a song from an idea that can change somebody’s life. Songwriting is the closest thing to magic that we could ever experience. That’s why I love songwriting. (An Experience Changing You Quotes)
I think that beauty can injure you to death. It can cause an injury that can never be cured. Or it can so traumatise you, your life changes direction. The beauty of the harmony of nature that is forever lost, or a daily rite that you perform, or diving into the sea for a swim. Those experiences are going to mark you. (An Experience Changing You Quotes)
It’s so different when you change your hair color, you’re treated so differently. It’s a very funny experience. It’s fun, I love changing up my hair. (An Experience Changing You Quotes)
It’s so different when you change your hair color, you’re treated so differently. It’s a very funny experience. It’s fun - I love changing up my hair. (An Experience Changing You Quotes)
You may not seem able to change some outer circumstances but you can start by changing your inner experience of life and yourself (An Experience Changing You Quotes)
Changing the destructive things you say to yourself when you experience the setbacks that life deals all of us is the central skill of optimism (An Experience Changing You Quotes)