Analysis Quotes

Text Quotes
The Bible gives no hint that a Christian belief system might be isolated from the life of the Church, subjected to scientific analysis, and have its truth compared with competing belief systems. (Analysis Quotes)
But remember this: in the final analysis, you can believe in your dream, you can be taught, supported, motivated, and loved by others, but ultimately, your success depends on you. You must take responsibility for your body, your mind, and for your character. (Analysis Quotes)
Definition of a Statistician: A man who believes figures don’t lie, but admits than under analysis some of them won’t stand up either. (Analysis Quotes)
Despite several millennia of building best business practices, despite all the analysis and planning, and forced discipline and structure, what makes us human will never be cleaved from how work gets done. (Analysis Quotes)
For every leader in the company, not just for me, there are decisions that can be made by analysis. These are the best kinds of decisions! (Analysis Quotes)
Malcolm X never renounced and never stepped away from a strong commitment to black nationalism and black self-determination. That’s absolutely clear if you do any analysis of his speeches. (Analysis Quotes)
Greatness, in the last analysis, is largely bravery - courage in escaping from old ideas and old standards and respectable ways of doing things. (Analysis Quotes)
It’s harder to take politics seriously, to understand the issues, than it is to drown it all in a sea of scorn. And while the world cries out for greater analysis and insight, we are distracted by bread and circuses, aka the ‘Great British Bake-Off’ and ‘Tumble.’ We should rediscover our tradition of satire. Of speaking truth unto power. (Analysis Quotes)
I saw brilliant ideas coming out of the [Chipko] movement that needed better articulation, that needed elaboration and systematic analysis. I just followed that and it’s been very exciting. (Analysis Quotes)
I believe that the visit of the Queen to the United States is an admirable occasion to produce an historical, truthful, sincere, genuine analysis of how the British Monarchy evolved into its present situation. (Analysis Quotes)
I always find it actually funny that the analysis is that the characters I play in comedies are the manchild, the adolescent, characters that refuse to grow up. And yet, if you look back in the history of comedy all the way back to the Marx brothers, that’s a big part of comedy. (Analysis Quotes)
In the final analysis, finding a way to do clean business and not to pay bribes actually improves your bottom line. (Analysis Quotes)
Knowledge created a new culture of business derived from the information gathering and analysis capabilities of first the mainframe and then the PC. (Analysis Quotes)
I know quite a few fellow members of the news analysis and commentary business, and I have it from the highest-placed sources, on the record, that each and every one of our children is a genius. (Analysis Quotes)
When I started writing a business column 15 years ago, I knew I’d found the perfect job for myself. As a columnist I could pick my own topic, do my own analysis, say what I wanted to say and attribute it to myself. Best of all, I could write in my own voice. (Analysis Quotes)
You have in the U.S. around two million new diagnoses of cancer a year, and 13 million survivors, so you have about 10,000 patients that require analysis every day. That’s about five petabytes that need to be transmitted and computed on a daily basis. (Analysis Quotes)
That economic decisions are made without certain knowledge of the consequences is pretty self-evident. But, although many economists were aware of this elementary fact, there was no systematic analysis of economic uncertainty until about 1950. (Analysis Quotes)
I know it’s - this is this insane analysis. Hillary Clinton lost the election because her ideas were bad. She didn’t fit the electorate. She ignored states that she shouldn’t have, and Donald Trump was the change agent, OK? (Analysis Quotes)
People change what they do less because they are given an analysis that shifts their thinking than because they are shown a truth that influences their feelings. (Analysis Quotes)
Talents of the novelist: ... observation of character, analysis of emotion, people’s feelings, personal relations ... (Analysis Quotes)
Our capacity for production and enjoyment is ?a function, in the last analysis, of our character, our integrity. (Analysis Quotes)
The chess player who develops the ability to play two dozen boards at a time will benefit from learning to compress his or her analysis into less time. (Analysis Quotes)
If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.[Commencement Address at American University, June 10 1963] (Analysis Quotes)
Those artists who say that somehow therapy or analysis will thwart their creativity are completely misinformed. It’s absolutely the opposite: it opens closed doors. (Analysis Quotes)
When I was a college student and I got interested in linguistics the concern among students was, this is a lot of fun, but after we have done a structural analysis of every language in the world what’s left? It was assumed there were basically no puzzles. (Analysis Quotes)
Simply stated, the need for accurate intelligence and prescient analysis from CIA has never been greater than it is in 2013 - or than it will be in the coming years. (Analysis Quotes)
Under a neoliberal regime, the language of authority, power and command is divorced from ethics, social responsibility, critical analysis and social costs. (Analysis Quotes)
The Tea Party is a group that rejects deep thinking, it rejects the very complex analysis that is involved in public policy, it rejects the kind of textured decision-making that Ronald Reagan prided himself on. (Analysis Quotes)
The more complex the world situation becomes, the more scientific and rational analysis you have to have, the less you can do with simple good will and sentiment. (Analysis Quotes)
There is synthesis when, in combining therein judgments that are made known to us from simpler relations, one deduces judgments from them relative to more complicated relations. There is analysis when from a complicated truth one deduces more simple truths. (Analysis Quotes)