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Anatomically Quotes

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Yes, data is hairless but I am not. And we are both anatomically correct  (Anatomically Quotes) Gold was not altogether certain what, anatomically, a gorge was, but he knew that his was rising  (Anatomically Quotes) Mathematics may be a way of developing physically, that is anatomically, new connections in the brain  (Anatomically Quotes) We read each other through our eyes, and anatomically they are an extension of our brains. When we catch someone’s eye, we look into a mind  (Anatomically Quotes) Much of what we think of as human evolved long after the use of tools. It is probably more correct to think of much of our structure as the result of culture than it is to think of men anatomically like ourselves slowly developing culture  (Anatomically Quotes) The circulatory system of man and the vertebrate animals can be considered as made up of a small number of organs or subordinate systems, which are easy to recognize anatomically, and the functions of which are on the whole quite distinct.  (Anatomically Quotes) Anatomically modern humans are found up to 200,000 years ago; behaviourally modern humans appear very recently in evolutionary time, as far as evidence now exists, perhaps within a window of 50-100,000 years ago, a flick of an eye in evolutionary time.  (Anatomically Quotes)