Ancient Quotes

Text Quotes
The style of ancient Egyptian art is transcendently clear, something 8-year-olds can recognize in an instant. Its consistency and codification is one of the most epic visual journeys in all art, one that lasts 30 dynasties spread over 3,000 years. (Ancient Quotes)
People who know very little about ancient Egypt are most likely, if they know anything at all, to have at least a vague idea about the Pharaoh Akhenaten and be able to recognize the face of his beautiful wife, Nefertiti. (Ancient Quotes)
Even if these stories are 3,000 years old, there’s still so much about the characters, about the dilemmas, about their understanding of the universe that still resonates. The whole idea of order and chaos, which is really central to the ancient Egyptian understanding of the world, is still very much with us. (Ancient Quotes)
Darwinism is a pagan religion whose roots go back to the Sumerians and Ancient Egypt (Ancient Quotes)
Images, the visual power of present-day capitalism, like the ritual constructions of ancient Egypt, are refined ways of inhibiting and crushing man. (Ancient Quotes)
Khem was an ancient name for the land of Egypt; and both the words alchemy and chemistry are a perpetual reminder of the priority of Egypt’s scientific knowledge. (Ancient Quotes)
SACRED, adj. Dedicated to some religious purpose; having a divine character; inspiring solemn thoughts or emotions; as... the Cow in India; the Crocodile, the Cat and the Onion of ancient Egypt. (Ancient Quotes)
SCARABAEUS, n. The sacred beetle of the ancient Egyptians, allied to our familiar tumble-bug. It was supposed to symbolize immortality, the fact that God knew why giving it its peculiar sanctity. (Ancient Quotes)
I read once that the ancient Egyptians had fifty words for sand and the Eskimos had a hundred words for snow. I wish I had a thousand words for love, but all that comes to mind is the way you move against me while you sleep and there are no words for that. (Ancient Quotes)
A HEART OF LAPISThe most beautiful stones adorn my neckLike an Ancient Egyptian collar.Two glistening balls of onyx sit on topFollowed by a double stretch of coral.At the center is a lapis heart,Deeper in color than the Red Sea watersAnd I am so grateful for this heavenly giftThis precious necklace isMy daughter. (Ancient Quotes)
Pies were invented 12,000 years ago by the Egyptians. It was an easy way to preserve food that would be carried over long distances. They were like ancient Slim Jims. (Ancient Quotes)
We are living in the era of the busybody. In ancient Greece, if a person wanted guidance, it involved a long, arduous expensive journey to consult the oracle at Delphi. Today, if you want guidance, all you have to do is unplug your ears. (Ancient Quotes)
I read mostly historical fiction - lots of stuff set in ancient Rome and ancient Greece. I also liked sci-fi and fantasy: David Gemmell, Raymond E. Feist. It’s a nice escape from the world. As much as I do love real-life stories, they can often make you hurt in a way I’d rather not hurt. (Ancient Quotes)
In the ancient world and, above all, among the Greeks, human nature was held in high esteem (Ancient Quotes)
I prefer a positive view of freedom, drawing on another tradition of political thinking that goes all the way back to the ancient Greek polis. (Ancient Quotes)
While the willingness of the ancient Greeks to sacrifice their lives for glory brings tears to my eyes, I cannot ultimately condone the choice of Achilles. (Ancient Quotes)
Strangers used to gather together at the cinema and sit together in the dark, like Ancient Greeks participating in the mysteries, dreaming the same dream in unison. (Ancient Quotes)
The ancient Greek view of happiness was really defined by leading a productive life: It’s not about how much you have, it’s about what you do with it. (Ancient Quotes)
The ideas of ancient Greece helped inspire America’s founding fathers as they reached for democracy. Our revolutionary ideas helped inspire Greeks as they sought their own freedom. (Ancient Quotes)
It’s a shame to be called educated those who do not study the ancient Greek writers (Ancient Quotes)
Catharsis comes from the ancient Greek word...which literally translated means ‘to pass a hard stool’ (Ancient Quotes)
I work in an old tradition that goes back to the ancient Greeks. You hold a mirror to crime to see what’s happening in society. I could never write a crime story just for the sake of it, because I always want to talk about certain things in society. (Ancient Quotes)
Again, if there are really no fairies, why do people believe in them, all over the world? The ancient Greeks believed, so did the old Egyptians, and the Hindoos, and the Red Indians, and is it likely, if there are no fairies, that so many different peoples would have seen and heard them? (Ancient Quotes)
I would love with all my heart to be able to speak Greek, classical or modern or both. It is a beautiful language, both aurally and in terms of the intricacy of its construction. I took four semesters of Ancient Greek in college, but it’s all rusted away now - and I never learned to speak it anyway. (Ancient Quotes)
There is one bit of advice given us by the ancient Greeks, and by the Jews in the Old Testament, and by the great Christian teachers of the Middle Ages, which the modern economic system has completely disobeyed. All these people told us not to lend money at interest; and lending money at interest - what we call investment - is the basis of our whole system. (Ancient Quotes)
In addition to English, at least one ancient language, probably Greek or Hebrew, and two modern languages would be required. (Ancient Quotes)
Hard. That was what he looked like. That was what you first noticed about him: a hard, chiselled face, like that that of some ancient Greek statue. (Ancient Quotes)
The Greek people not only relate to the ancient traditions, they have fought, they have shed blood, until recently, to defend the values of democracy and freedom. (Ancient Quotes)
In ancient Greece, Socrates reportedly didn’t fancy a literate society. He felt that people would lose the capacity to think for themselves, simply adopting the perspective of a handy written opinion, and that they would cease to remember what could be written down. (Ancient Quotes)
The human eye has long fascinated lovers, artists and physicians. The ancient Greeks dissected eyes, but struggled to understand how they worked, unclear as to whether they received or emanated light. (Ancient Quotes)