Ancients Quotes
Text Quotes
We are really so prejudiced by our educations, that, as the ancients deified their heroes, we deify their madmen (Ancients Quotes)
When the ancients said a work well begun was half done, they meant to impress the importance of always endeavoring to make a good beginning (Ancients Quotes)
I have witnessed things the ancients would have called miracles, but they are not miracles. They are the products of someone’s dream, and they happen as the result of hard work (Ancients Quotes)
What primitive tastes the ancients must have had if their poets were inspired by those absurd, untidy clumps of mist, idiotically jostling one another about (Ancients Quotes)
Let us not wonder if something happens which never was before, or if something doth not appear among us with which the ancients were acquainted (Ancients Quotes)
I take it to be true that pure thought can grasp the real, as the ancients had dreamed (Ancients Quotes)
I have read that the ancients, when they had produced a sound, used to modulate it, heightening and lowering its pitch without departing from the rules of harmony. So must the artist do in working at the nude (Ancients Quotes)
The ancients, even though they believed in destiny, believed primarily in nature, in which they participated wholeheartedly. To rebel against nature amounted to rebelling against oneself. It was butting one’s head against a wall (Ancients Quotes)
In the ancients, one sees the accomplished letter of entire poetry: in the moderns, one has the presentiment of the spirit in becoming (Ancients Quotes)
And perhaps, posterity will thank me for having shown that the ancients did not know everything (Ancients Quotes)
Some have narrowed their minds, and so fettered them with the chains of antiquity that not only do they refuse to speak save as the ancients spake, but they refuse to think save as the ancients thought. God speaks to us, too, and the best thoughts are those now being vouchsafed to us. We will excel the ancients! (Ancients Quotes)
Modesty teaches us to speak of the ancients with respect, especially when we are not very familiar with their works. Newton, who knew them practically by heart, had the greatest respect for them, and considered them to be men of genius and superior intelligence who had carried their discoveries in every field much further than we today suspect, judging from what remains of their writings. More ancient writings have been lost than have been preserved, and perhaps our new discoveries are of less value than those that we have lost (Ancients Quotes)
By comparing what we know today with what the ancients appear to have known we can guess at the kinds of wine they drank (Ancients Quotes)
A lodestone is a wonderful thing in very many experiments, and like living things. And one of its remarkable virtues in that which the ancients considered to be a living soul in the sky, in the globes and in the stars, in the sun and in the moon (Ancients Quotes)
It were indeed to be wish’d that our art had been less ingenious, in contriving means destructive to mankind; we mean those instruments of war, which were unknown to the ancients, and have made such havoc among the moderns. But as men have always been bent on seeking each other’s destruction by continual wars; and as force, when brought against us, can only be repelled by force; the chief support of war, must, after money, be now sought in chemistry (Ancients Quotes)
Just as the ancients danced to call upon the spirits in nature, we too can dance to find the spirits within ourselves that have been long buried and forgotten (Ancients Quotes)