And he that strives to touch the stars, oft stumbles at a straw

And he that strives to touch the stars, oft stumbles at a straw
The quote "And he that strives to touch the stars, oft stumbles at a straw" holds a profound meaning in the context of the works of the renowned English poet Edmund Spenser. Spenser, best known for his epic poem "The Faerie Queene," was a master of allegory and symbolism, using his writing to explore complex themes and ideas.In the context of Spenser's work, this quote can be interpreted as a caution against hubris and overreaching ambition. Spenser's characters often strive for greatness, seeking to achieve lofty goals and reach for the stars, both literally and metaphorically. However, in their pursuit of greatness, they often overlook the small details and obstacles that can trip them up and lead to their downfall.
One of the central themes in "The Faerie Queene" is the idea of the quest for perfection and the dangers of pride and ambition. The knights in the poem, such as Redcrosse and Britomart, are constantly striving to achieve greatness and overcome obstacles in their path. However, they often find themselves facing unexpected challenges and setbacks that threaten to derail their quest.