And you will understand all too soon that you, my children of battle, are your heroes

And you will understand all too soon that you, my children of battle, are your heroes
Nikki Giovanni, a renowned poet and activist, has long been a voice for the marginalized and oppressed. Her words are powerful, resonating with those who have faced adversity and struggle. In her poem "And you will understand all too soon that you, my children of battle, are your heroes," Giovanni speaks to the strength and resilience of those who have faced challenges and hardships.The phrase "my children of battle" evokes a sense of camaraderie and unity among those who have fought against injustice and oppression. Giovanni sees these individuals as warriors, facing their battles head-on with courage and determination. She acknowledges the struggles they have endured and the obstacles they have overcome, recognizing them as heroes in their own right.
Giovanni's words serve as a reminder that strength and resilience can be found within oneself. She empowers her audience to see themselves as heroes, capable of overcoming any obstacle that comes their way. By acknowledging their own inner strength and courage, they can find the power to face their battles with confidence and determination.